Topic: The stunt - episode 1

Click here to view 'The stunt':
Well, I won't do any more work on it, so I suppose it's a release.

After browsing this (and other) sites I've already noticed the following opportunties for improvement:
- Shorter intro (I intended a "tune" here, and some muffled snide remarks exchanged between John and a technician offscreen)
- Not pointing the camera at myself (left upper corner, during Sally's interview)
- Using a decent backdrop, and keeping it fixed in one location
- Not using daylight (it's getting dark during the acceleration)
- Using more than one (fairly limited) light when shooting at night
- More frames per second (this also partly due to Movie Maker producing a slightly slower film than in preview)
- Find soundeffects (and voices) before shooting (it turned out near impossible to sync sounds with images without completely distorting the sound)
- Not trying to use copyrighted background music (I should know better and youtube won't let me, anyway)

In my defense, this was a christmas holiday project, and I had to make do with whatever I had lying around as the shops turned to be closed during christmas. Also, I'd like to note that animating was very hard as I had to clear the table for every meal and my kids tried to run off with the Lego most of the time (and I had to entertain the in-laws at occasion, visit the parents, etc.). That's also the reason I had no opportunity to edit any shot frames. What you see is what I shot.

Well, I'm very curious to what you all think, and please provide any further comments that'll help me improve my next production, which I fear won't be before next christmas holiday, when I have time. (And I'd also appreciate ratings and comments on youtube).

Version 1 of the the screenplay for episode 2 of The Stunt is finishised, and I really, really] await your critique!

Re: The stunt - episode 1

Well, the animation was quite good, but everything was very slow moving (what was the frame rate?), though I did like the fact that all the living things were never still. Had the characters been slightly faster, it would have made an exceptional piece of animation. The fact that there was no sound was quite annoying and detracted from my enjoyment of the film, but it was nice to watch, nonetheless. I have subscribed, because you seem very promising.

Re: The stunt - episode 1

Wow, thanks! That's more credit than I expected. I don't know when I'll find time for another animation. I'm considering a re-shoot of this film though (lack of inspiration for new material, currently).

Version 1 of the the screenplay for episode 2 of The Stunt is finishised, and I really, really] await your critique!

Re: The stunt - episode 1

Hazzart, you nailed the review on the head. I agree. I thought the car jump was well done. I too would like to see more from you papaguru.
