Topic: The stunt - episode 1
Click here to view 'The stunt':
Well, I won't do any more work on it, so I suppose it's a release.
After browsing this (and other) sites I've already noticed the following opportunties for improvement:
- Shorter intro (I intended a "tune" here, and some muffled snide remarks exchanged between John and a technician offscreen)
- Not pointing the camera at myself (left upper corner, during Sally's interview)
- Using a decent backdrop, and keeping it fixed in one location
- Not using daylight (it's getting dark during the acceleration)
- Using more than one (fairly limited) light when shooting at night
- More frames per second (this also partly due to Movie Maker producing a slightly slower film than in preview)
- Find soundeffects (and voices) before shooting (it turned out near impossible to sync sounds with images without completely distorting the sound)
- Not trying to use copyrighted background music (I should know better and youtube won't let me, anyway)
In my defense, this was a christmas holiday project, and I had to make do with whatever I had lying around as the shops turned to be closed during christmas. Also, I'd like to note that animating was very hard as I had to clear the table for every meal and my kids tried to run off with the Lego most of the time (and I had to entertain the in-laws at occasion, visit the parents, etc.). That's also the reason I had no opportunity to edit any shot frames. What you see is what I shot.
Well, I'm very curious to what you all think, and please provide any further comments that'll help me improve my next production, which I fear won't be before next christmas holiday, when I have time. (And I'd also appreciate ratings and comments on youtube).