Topic: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

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Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

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It really should be 'Dane Cook Gets Chased and Eventually Ran Over by a Monkey in a Mail Van' but there's not enough room.

Last edited by Jon64 (August 6, 2009 (08:51pm))
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Re: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

Nice work, though I would have liked to see Dane suffer on-screen.  I was hoping somebody would bring Dane Cook into AniExer-size.

Re: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

Good movie but as Sméagol said I wish I could've seen him suffer on-screen.

Re: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

Heh, nothing wrong with it, it was perfect technically, but we should have seen the monkey hit dane, like those two said. Nice work though.

Re: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

The movie was good but you see the pedestrian more than dane cook. Try to get him seen being hit. Overall, good animation! mini/lol

Re: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

Stud Studios wrote:

The movie was good but you see the pedestrian more than dane cook.

That's no pedestrian that's my sig fig! mini/lol

More videos on my Youtube Channel or on my (now updated) Webstite

Re: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

One of the best Dane Cook muvveys. Great job. mini/smile

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

This is possibly the best AniExer-size contest entry so far, though considering the vast majority of them are slideshows, thats not much of a compliment.


Max, She/Her

Re: Dane Cook Gets Chased by a Monkey in a Mail Van

Jon64 wrote:
Stud Studios wrote:

The movie was good but you see the pedestrian more than dane cook.

That's no pedestrian that's my sig fig! mini/lol


oh, sorry I didnt know. mini/smile