Topic: Trucking shot test

I am currently in the middle of a commercial for a woodworking store. I felt that a trucking shot gave a good spacious feel. so I built a dolly and now I want your feedback on whether or no I did the shot well.

please comment on the lighting and sound effects as well as over all smoothness.

this is the first 82 frames that I've taken with my new studio set up consisting of a Canon Digital Rebel XTI with 18-55mm lens. 5 way halogen lighting set up. monitor out with a 16:9  11inch monitor, and a cable release.

and for the link CLICKY

also pay no attention to the dreadfully sad music, I just tossed it in to have something other than the hammering.


Re: Trucking shot test

how did you do the camera movement

Re: Trucking shot test

I did not move the camera at all. I moved the set on a dolly. a mini version of this


Re: Trucking shot test

Wow! mini/jaw That's was a really smooth. The Lighting was a bit bright, but overall the shot was superb! mini/bigsmile The sound effects should have been of higher quality though.

Last edited by Greenscreener (June 23, 2009 (09:29am))

Re: Trucking shot test

Thanks! I am going to be redoing the sound effects and recording it all myself but that was just a quicky that I found online.

Re: Trucking shot test

wher'd you get the dolly

Re: Trucking shot test

Cool; you work at a woodshop? What kind of goods do you sell?


Move over Rover, let Jimi take over.
[email protected]

Re: Trucking shot test

Mutuceba - I made the dolly using PVC pipe as rails, hot glued to 1/4inch plywood with metal bracketing to keep it the same distance apart. I then cut a piece of 1/4inch plywood to the size of my lego base. I built my wheels for the dolly using all lego parts. I was going to use something bigger but lego wheels move very nice and incrementally. I put it all together using double stick tape.

Jimmybob - I work (well sort of) at a Woodcraft retail store. My parents both own and operate the the store. We have everything that you would need to produce wooden crafts. We sells tools and supplies as well as instructions/plans and also classes on woodworking.
