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My entry for THAC XVII.

This world is a dark place. One day I will see my Savior face to face.
My Youtube


This one was very dark but it needed to be.  I liked the message in it.


OneDouglas wrote:

This one was very dark but it needed to be.  I liked the message in it.

Thank you! I was a little worried at first that it would be too dark, but I didn't want to lose the impact. I think I have always made videos that go to the extreme to make a point. This is a serious subject and needs to be talked about honestly. I ended it with a question because I wanted the audience to have felt the pain of the question, and hopefully look inwardly asking if the subject matter is worthwhile.

This world is a dark place. One day I will see my Savior face to face.
My Youtube


Wow. As OneDouglas said, it's pretty dark, but it added to the good message.
Well done.

"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us." - Romans 8:18


This film is worthy of a lot of discussion.

Honestly, at best, it's really, really close to the gore guidelines for THAC. I totally understand wanting the film to carry a strong impact, but THAC's not the best place to push those kinds of boundaries.

In fact, that made this film very hard to judge. The atmosphere, plot, and entire idea made it completely unique among the entries.

The plot works best for those more familiar with the phrases/concepts of Christianity. We detect the references and quotes and understand the nuances of what's being said. For Christians, it's an understandable film, but those that need to understand the film's message the most may end up missing it or being too distracted by the gore to appreciate what's being said.

It's a hard balance to achieve.

Still, the set, shots, and effects are absolutely top-notch. You did a great job achieving your vision for the film. However, toning down the blood a bit probably would have made the film more approachable and palatable to all.