Topic: SHAC 2 Starts NOW!
The theme is “Surface.” You may interpret this in any way you see fit!
Color Mod: Tan & Sand ...details below
Letter/Number Mod: 2
Sound Mod: SHAC Sound Mod 2019
And here’s the deadline.
Update: To accommodate for daylight savings, an extra hour of lee way has been added to the contest! Deadline is now 1pm *EDT on the 11th.
Have fun!
If you’d like to use the logo in your credits (optional), here’s a link: SHAC 2 logo
That is best answered in the original announcement thread, which can be found here.
• Your work must be entirely made & submitted within the 72 hour period.
• The mod elements must appear in your film. (specifics below)
• Your entry must contain at least 30 seconds of Lego or similar building-block toy animation.
• No mature/explicit content is allowed. Entries featuring objectionable content will be immediately disqualified.
• Make sure to keep your entry unlisted before the deadline has passed. (And please publicly share it with the world afterwards!)
Feel free to make brickfilms featuring copyrighted/trademarked properties.
To prove your film was made within the time limit, it must contain the modification elements. For SHAC 2, they are:
Color Mod: Tan & Sand
This is a combination of a tan brick connected, touching, or overlapping a sand-shaded brick. Acceptable colors are: Tan, Dark Tan, Sand Red, Sand Green, Sand Blue, and Sand Purple.
If you are unsure if a color is acceptable, consult the bricklink color guide or share a picture with Dyland through email, twitter, or in the BiM live chat.
UPDATE: Any combination of the previously listed colors is now acceptable to count for the mod element.
For example, Tan on Dark Tan and Sand Green on Sand Blue (combinations that previously wouldn't have worked) would now also be acceptable.
Letter/Number Mod: 2
This is the number two. It can be represented as either an arabic numeral, “2,” or as the roman numerals, “II” or “ii.” It cannot be inserted digitally, however. This mod must be present in your original shot(s) to count.
Sound Mod: Beast Footstep
Ah, Beast. My favorite brickfilm. The “Beast Footstep” is a unique footstep sound effect originally used in the Nathan Wells brickfilm “Beast.” Check it out sometime if you haven’t seen it – but only after the contest!
Here's a link: d_2019.wav
This sound must appear at least once in your film (excluding the credits). Digital manipulation, reversing, and other alterations are encouraged! Just be sure that it is still clearly that sound.
As a fun challenge, try to use this sound as something other than a footstep. (Optional)
To Reiterate:
Your film must contain either the Color Mod, Letter Mod, or both in every shot. AND you must also include the Sound Mod at least one time in your film.
The Judges for SHAC 2 are:
Dylan Johnson (myself),
The Login Productions,
One Brick Shy,
Shelby Pritchard,
And William Osborne!
Special thanks to Pritchard for returning, and William for joining the panel this year!
The prizes this year are sealed collectible minifigures, as well as the prized Shaquille O’Neal.
Please post them down below, DM or tweet @ my Twitter handle, comment in the chat, or shout out your window really loudly. I’ll be sure to hear them all.
To submit, please send an email to: [email protected] before 12pm (midday) EST, Monday March 11th, 2019 with a working link to your film (& password, if on vimeo) with this subject:
SHAC, [Your preferred credited name]’s “[Title of entry]”
For Example: SHAC, Nathan Wells and Zach Macias’s “Dear Cousin”
As the contest continues, I shall list submitted entries below. If your film has any problems (such as missing mod element, or public video) the text below shall be italicized & the issue will be stated alongside. If your film is not yet on the list, be patient. I’ll get to it as soon as possible!
Shaq Gold Bond Commercial in LEGO by BeatupBricks Productions
To The Moon by Joseph Beasley
Getting to the Surface by Cloudy VS
A Strange Day at the Beach by Raptor Studios
To the Surface by Blast Door Productions
lucid by Joshua Nelson
The Table by Jurassic Films
shaQuest for the surface by AwesomePants
Return to the Surface by 2x4 Productions
SURFACE by Future Past Productions
Gestranded by AoW-Gamer
Trapped Below the Surface by Last Brick Productions
Portal Trouble by Foo Films
Bubble by LainieMaytions
Bricks and Bananas by Legodave1
Beneath the Surface by Chaizin
*Director's Cut by Logic Films and EX64
Fish Food by Shane Studios
Surface Level Problems by Innovator Studios
Bunker Boredom by END Films
The Mayor by Brickman Pictures
Claustrophobe on a Submarine by KobbleThePenguin
sur face by Rioforce
A Sympathetic Heart by cgdude9
It has been decided that BrickAnimator724's entry, The Weird Pool will also be accepted, even though it was missing the mod in two shots.
The film was clearly made within the time allotted (the intention of the mod rule anyway), and I wouldn't want to see it punished because of it.
That brings our total number of entries to 25. Here's the playlist.
Last edited by Dyland (March 14, 2019 (04:58pm))