Topic: Update: Staff Recommendations in Releases

For a while now myself and others have been concerned about the Releases forum on BiM, as the increasing volume of films posted appears to have led to fewer films being viewed and being responded to. It is a shame when a great brickfilm struggles to get the attention it deserves, and though we have plans to address the issue in a site redesign, I wanted a stopgap solution as soon as possible. We have now added an icon in the Releases forum denoting that a film has been recommended by a member of staff. The icon is this gold stud, appearing before a thread title:

Films chosen will also be added to the Recommended category in the directory, which has been dormant for a while.

Please do not request a stud or imply that a stud is surely coming soon, whether on your own film or another members. Studs are a reflection of individual staff preferences, not an evaluation of objective quality. Soliciting of studs may be deleted.

Re: Update: Staff Recommendations in Releases

I think this is generally going to be a big step in the right direction for the forums. The releases forums is definitely the thing that needs to change the most when it comes to the community as a whole. My only concern is how this will effect those in the middle, those that put out decent content, but maybe not content great enough to be considered worth a recommendation. It has the potential to really create a divide between those that put out fantastic work and those that are still getting their way to being great. This might not sound like too much of a deal on the surface, but it does mean that good films might still be buried quickly if the seal of recommendation isn't there to be seen. I hope this is not the case, however, and I really hope that this idea does work out for the best, as something needs to be changed in order to improve the issue we currently have with the releases forum!

Last edited by William Osborne (April 7, 2017 (06:33am))

Re: Update: Staff Recommendations in Releases

William Osborne wrote:

My only concern is how this will effect those in the middle, those that put out decent content, but maybe not content great enough to be considered worth a recommendation. It has the potential to really create a divide between those that put out fantastic work and those that are still getting their way to being great. This might not sound like too much of a deal on the surface, but it does mean that good films might still be buried quickly if the seal of recommendation isn't there to be seen.

As a moderator my general guideline is pretty basic - if it stands out among the crowd (of films) it will get a staff recommendation! We (the staff) may occasionally miss a worthy film deserving a gold stud, in that case I'd welcome a quick message to consider it. Ultimately I hope this acts to motivate individuals to push the level of quality of filmmaking, as well as making the release forum more streamline to view.

Life is like a box of LEGO, you never know what you're gonna build. - mrgraff

Re: Update: Staff Recommendations in Releases

This is definitely something that we have been needing. I think it will definitely make a big improvement to the quantity and quality of feedback that is given back, especially to those that need or deserve it. Nice job Penta! mini/wink

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Re: Update: Staff Recommendations in Releases

I like this change for sure. I have to admit that when I was more active, I found myself avoiding the releases form due to how clogged it was with varying quality of content.

RedBrick1/LegoTrain587 | EXPANSE | A Brickfilm

Re: Update: Staff Recommendations in Releases

I am aware that recommendations have slowed down so I will appoint more users.

Re: Update: Staff Recommendations in Releases

Appoint meeeeeeeeee!