Topic: Mixels Episode 1

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Mixels Episode 1

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This is my first mixel film based off of the ones on and Cartoon Network. Please give feedback and comment. Thank you!

Re: Mixels Episode 1

I liked the building of the LEGO letters at the beginning.  That's usually a cool thing to do.

Although, the whole video looks a little warped, like it's been either squashed or stretched because it was filmed at the wrong aspect ratio and made to fit.
Ideally, it's usually best to make it so that the film is the correct ratio, but with black bars at the sides (Pillar-boxing), or to take the frame slightly bigger than you need it to be, and then crop out the top and bottom so it's wider and fits properly.

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Thank you for your comments squid! mini/bigsmile

Re: Mixels Episode 1

i loved it nick! the lighting might need a little work, but yeah! mini/tongue

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Yeah, my lighting isn't really the best, but I am trying to make it better mini/smile Thank you for watching it Michael!

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Nice job, Raptor!  I thought that your sets were much more visually interesting that those in some of your previous videos, and your animation is getting smoother too.  I especially liked the part were the mixel's eyes spun around. mini/dizzy

The Third Arrival is out now!
--"The sun's not yellow, it's chicken!"

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Thanks. The Eye spinning part was originally not planned out, but I winged it and I think it turned out well also. I am glad you are the first to note my sets are different, since I worked on them a lot more.

Re: Mixels Episode 1

I like this film! mini/yes

My rabbit is allergic to me.

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Thank you all for your feedback and ratings! mini/bigsmile

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Anyone else have anything to say? mini/confused

Should I make another episode?

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Raptor Studios wrote:

Anyone else have anything to say? mini/confused

Should I make another episode?

The story is the thing. Viewers will put up with a lot of imperfections if the story is interesting. On the other hand, if the story is poor, it doesn't matter how spiffy your animation is, relatively few people will care.

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Good advice. Was my story ok? It might not make sense if you haven't heard of mixels.

Re: Mixels Episode 1

It didn't work too well as a story but it can be regarded as an advertisement. I don't watch the Mixels show on Cartoon Network so I'm not very familiar with Mixels.
However, make more. These kinds of things are fun to watch back-to-back.


my dad doesn't want me to brickfilm on because it's his computer, but he's not home right now at the moment.

Re: Mixels Episode 1

Ok. Thanks! I will make more episodes like this one. I am still considering adding "murps" Which is when I mix a character but it looks ugly or messed up, Like this video which is another stop-motion animation that someone else made for lego: … -kart-murp