Topic: Dark Flight of the Moth [D&L Entry]

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Dark Flight of the Moth (D&L)

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Here is our contest entry for the D&L contest.

Re: Dark Flight of the Moth [D&L Entry]

That was a very interesting film. I really didn't know what direction it was taking, which is good, because it's unpredictable. Your animation was nice, I like the noir feel of it. Keep up the good work!

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: Dark Flight of the Moth [D&L Entry]

Hehe, I really like this one. It was fun in a morbid way to watch the events unfold and to just fly from one to the next. It was an interesting way to tell the story and I also liked the silhouetted visuals.

Re: Dark Flight of the Moth [D&L Entry]

Nice Entry! Its simple and comprehends with the contest. I like how you opening of the film, how you hatch the moth. Well done, and, Good luck!

Making Motion  Youtube

Re: Dark Flight of the Moth [D&L Entry]

I love the idea behind following the moth through the tragedy and death. Sure, the execution leaves a bit to be desired, but the idea itself is really cool. It distances the viewers from the events, but in such a way as to give them a stronger impact than if the camera dwelt on each one for a longer time.

The animation is a bit too big and frenzied in several of the scenes, and the sets are fairly basic, but the lighting is solid.
It's a unique take on the theme, and one that stands out. I wish you the best of luck in the judging.

Re: Dark Flight of the Moth [D&L Entry]

I may have been a little bit obsessed with this film and made references to it for a full week after seeing it while animating for the documentary in California with Nathan Wells. The concept and many of the shots you conceived were pretty unique.

I'll admit, I found it funny in a black comedy sort of way. Like, I liked it and I was laughing at it. And I didn't see it as a "so bad it's good" sort of thing, I mean I'm glad it was in the top ten for sure, it was highly memorable and entertaining to me.

That said, if you weren't going for humor, I think maybe it would have worked better if the moth were more a symbolic harbinger of death, rather than the *cause* of all these deaths. It felt like it was Lunesta's evil twin or something.