Thank you for all of the replies, everyone! 
Dyland wrote:It's definitely on the top of my favorite brickfilms of 2014, and, will most likely stay within my memory for years to come, just as other great brickfilms have. - A 5 stars and a thumbs up from me. 
I'm glad you like the film that much. I didn't think it was worth remembering for years to come, but ok! 
Walter Benson wrote: The story does feel a bit anti-climatic as well, but that's obviously intentional.
Maybe I would suggest getting multiple voice actors next time. I think your voice works well for this, but it's always nice to have a variety.
Yes, the story was anti-climatic. The original script was very long, and had an entire backstory and a proper ending with an emotional scene, but I felt tha it was out of place in the film, and the film was too long and had too much talking an not enough stuff happening, so I cut it from the film. I actually regret it, but I'm in pre-production of another film which will have a proper ending. As for the voice actors, I didn't realize how much both characters sounded alike until after all of the animation was done and I was editing. It was then too late to get new voice actors, because the voices wouldn't line up with the animation.
FlyingMinifig wrote:Spoiler (click to read)
Also, having them travel to the Garden of Eden seemed a bit... odd. I don't know, it felt like it was the beginning to a series of visiting historical locations that never took off, or maybe because it was an overtly Biblical reference, even though there wasn't any sign of other Biblical references in the rest of the movie. On the subject of the Garden of Eden... shouldn't Adam and Eve have been, you know... naked? I can see why you would choose not to go in that direction, but given circumstances it again seems a bit odd. (though this really is quite a minor observation)
Spoiler (click to read)
Like I said above, I originally had the film longer. They were supposed to go through a wild sped-up tour through time through dozens of locations in about 30 seconds, but I felt it was too long. I can see now how I should have kept all of those things I cut out. They would have added to the film tremendously.
As for Adam & Eve, I felt that they needed some type of clothes. I know they are LEGO, but seeing as how two LEGO men appear in the garden with a man and a woman without clothes on, I didn't want that to be really awkward for Timely and Reginald being there.
Also, the LEGO Universe and Time Cruisers references made me extremely happy. 
YES! Someone noticed them.
I just love to put little references in my films.
Ok, enough of me making excuses for the problems in my film.
I'm glad everyone enjoyed it. 
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