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We are a friendly filmmaking community devoted to the art of stop-motion animation using LEGO® and similar construction toys. Here, you can share your work, join our community of other brickfilmers, and participate in periodic animation contests!
A place to discuss, share, and create stop motion films.
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Poor Lewa just wants to make friends...
The skydiving shots were very nice. I see you went for the same neck design as me! Makes animating the older Bionicles a lot easier.
Yea, poor Lewa Nuva...
I'm glad you liked the skydiving parts. They are by far by favorite parts of the film. I did use the same neck design, actually. I scrutinized your videos trying to figure out how you did it, haha. Thanks for that, by the way. It indeed makes animating easier.
Thanks for that, by the way. It indeed makes animating easier.
No problem though animating the legs is still a pain. No amount of MOCing can change that
rioforce wrote:Thanks for that, by the way. It indeed makes animating easier.
No problem
though animating the legs is still a pain. No amount of MOCing can change that
A good amount of sticky tac can help, though!
Hey guys! I made a Behind the Scenes look of how I made the free-falling scenes of this film in Blender. You can check it out if you want!
Posts [ 6 ]