Topic: First Ever Walk Test/Channel Debut

Hello everyone! This first video IS NOT the debut of my channel, don't worry. I do not consider this as quality/film material, just a simple first walking test. Since this was a test i used my Logitech webcam w/ dragonframe. Do expect better quality and less light flicker later on.
Next Test: VFX

Video: …

Also, please support the channel's first video by subscribing! Thanks,


P.S I thought i should post in this section because its a test

Re: First Ever Walk Test/Channel Debut

You posted this in the correct place. It doesn't matter what you level of animation is, you need to prevent set/camera bumps and have you subjects in focus. These two problems when severe, which they are in your case, make an animation unwatchable. It's hard to analyze the quality of the actual animation when you can barely tell what's going on. Tape down your sets, secure your camera, and make sure your camera is focused. If you don't have a camera which allows full manual control, get one. These things are essential to start practicing animation. Take care of this stuff, then animate away.

Re: First Ever Walk Test/Channel Debut

Thanks for the help man. Like i said this was just a test. I have a Canon E3D (I think) in my room, with a tripod. Including 3 desk lamps. I did this on my computer desk with a bumpy camera. My dad has taught me quite a lot about animation.


P.S My dad is Shrambo studios