Topic: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

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Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

Not Skeletor
Not Skeletor (Experimental Version)

An innocent man is mistaken for the villain from 'He-Man'.

Every idea I had included Skeletor for some reason...

Last edited by Saminatorger (January 11, 2014 (11:59am))
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Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

Oh my god, that skeletor voice is perfect. The last line made me cackle effeminately.

(Oh, and the eperimental version was actually much better, I found.)

Max, She/Her

Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

Glad you liked it mini/wink
And yeah, I thought the experimental one came out better, but the frame blending left this weird artifacting on a lot of the frames mini/tongue
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Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

Haha, timing and everything was perfect. Except for the sound where the neighbor is sliding the table, that just sounded off. mini/tongue

Awesome job (I'm commenting on the regular version). mini/bigsmile

Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

The animation was great, but the story was sort of predictable...

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

Not the most creative, but your animation has improved a lot, it doesn't distract from the story anymore. The voice acting was great, really funny delivery. Overall, a job well done. mini/smile

Edit: The animation on the frame blending one looks really good, but the movements feel a bit slow, so I think that needs to be taken into account if you're going to use frame blending in the future. mini/smile

Last edited by backyardlegos (December 29, 2013 (04:20pm))

Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

I struggled to come up with something, so I just decided to go for the easier option as far as 'story' was concerned.
As for the frame blending, it was just a last minute experiment.  I'm not sure I'd want to use it in the future, because it doesn't seem to work so well when there's a lot of movement, but maybe for talking scenes it might be quite good.
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Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]


Well, that was funny and well animated. Nice job!

Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

I loved this one a lot. Nice work, dude. mini/smile

Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

Very nice camera movement

A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?

Re: Not Skeletor [THAC 11]

Cheers guys mini/bigsmile
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