Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

That is glorious, Squid.  Exactly the look I was going for.  I'll bet you liked the tilted frame, too mini/tongue

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Mickey wrote:

I'm waiting for Zachary Volt to send me the screenplay, though. But, I haven't seen that kid around on the forums lately. Huh...I wonder what he's up to.

Somebody wanted a script from me.  I sent him a PM with the concept, be he hasn't even opened it.
People just disappear sometimes.

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Oh man, turns out I'm even more stupid than I thought. I also forgot a really important prop which means I can't shoot an additional 1 or 2 scenes while I'm here. I'm going to have to animate like crazy once I get home.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

I've run into some slight time issues on my film, I might end up being gone for a week (starting the 2nd) without access to anything (I'd be hiking the Chilkoot trail).   
I might have to cut a few scenes out, which would be tragic.
Anyway, here's a quick little teaser trailer I threw together while some stuff was charging and rendering. … u4E55QRkCs

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

That looks awesome.

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

JonnDthunDer wrote:

I've run into some slight time issues on my film, I might end up being gone for a week (starting the 2nd) without access to anything (I'd be hiking the Chilkoot trail).   
I might have to cut a few scenes out, which would be tragic.
Anyway, here's a quick little teaser trailer I threw together while some stuff was charging and rendering. … u4E55QRkCs

It looks pretty good so far.
The look of the title needs some work, though.

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Squid wrote:

It looks pretty good so far.
The look of the title needs some work, though.

Haha yeah, the title was just a preset in iMovie. I plan on doing the actual one for the film in AE.

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Lookin' pretty cool. I'll look forward to it.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Whoa double post watch out

So I just used Helium Frog to animate once scene because it supports higher resolutions than Monkeyjam but it literally crashed about every two frames and a lot of the time it wouldn't let me open the file for no reason so I think I'll be moving back to Monkeyjam.

Here have a picture of legs or something I dunno.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

We used Helium Frog for like 2 years (before upgrading to DragonPro). The edit button seems to mess it up sometimes, along with almost every-other button. And opening files is tricky, after about 50 or so tries, it sometimes opens. We never did solve all the problems it had, my advise is that since you have a time limit to get your movie done, go with a program you know. You can work on Helium Frog after the contest.

Well, got my second scene done mini/bigsmile, 18 scenes to go (sigh). Sure hope I can finish before the deadline.

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

This may not be in my actual entry, but it's a picture I took of one of my sets.

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

@Jstudios - Odd. I use HF and it works pretty well for me. I will agree that I sometimes crashes, but for me it only does so occasionally. Like GEF said, go with what you know.

@willco66 - Pretty good. I like the focus. However, it feels like there's a bit of tilt to the frame. Also, the lighting is kinda flat. And what is the little blue piece on the left for? It looks out of place with the grey-scale pieces.

Now, after thinking that I wasn't going to enter for the last month, I finally sat down and decided I would give it a try. I got an good idea, script, and the majority of the sets and props made (some of which are huge). This is going to be my first attempt at entering a contest and having a solid deadline, so I'm feeling kinda rushed-ish (partly because school is starting in a couple of weeks for me). Anyways, here's a frame from the opening shot, without color correction.

And if it doesn't look interesting to you, that's's not supposed to, as to not give much away.

Last edited by legoguy501 (July 25, 2013 (02:01am))
2nd place Darkness and Light entry: The Tree
Behind the Scenes

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Oh man that quality is beautiful. What camera are you using?
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

jstudios wrote:

Oh man that quality is beautiful. What camera are you using?

A C920

This world is a dark place. One day I will see my Savior face to face.
My Youtube

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Alright so, I stuck to what I know and.... last night some weird error came up not allowing me to close it, so I did so with task manager and now the file can't open for some stupid reason. I've had to import and rearrange the frames in an entirely new project just so I can export it and continue with the scene.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

@JStudios, Yeah, Helium Frog is prone to crash, but I haven't had issues with the actual filming.
All the other menus and buttons will mess it up, but just plain ole filming seems to work fine.
MJ can support high res, but the preview/capture screen will be fairly huge.

The frame looks dark, but other than that, good.

@Legoguy501, As has been said, the quality looks amazing. The wall looks a tad plain, but that's about it.

@Willco66, There's a bit of blue peeking through the wall, and the framing would look a bit better if the camera was closer to the wall/hole. And it seems just a bit big to give that claustrophobic jail cell look, but I like the plain BURP with the chain. It gives a bare rough look to it. I'm not sure about the straight line between the light and dark gray, so adding a few details could help there.

@JonnDthunDer, Ohhh....Nice teaser.
The first shot screams Squids unique style, and while the elf walk seems a bit rough, it looks good. (Did you slow it down in post without adding more frames?) The fight scenes animation looks great, and I'm really looking forward to it. Thing is though, you've got the word twilight in the title, and vampires in the teaser, and that's not always a good combo. mini/tongue

I've only got about twenty more seconds to go on mine, but took a quick break yesterday to whip together a fun little short that I'll be releasing next Tuesday. Thankfully that only took a few hours, so I hope to finish the filming on my entry this week. I've got all of my current footage lined up with the voices, and it looks like the run time will be (With credits) around four minutes. Not as long as I had hoped, but it'll have to do. I'm just dreading the complicated sound work...

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

I was actually talking about Monkeyjam that messed up. Also the frame's meant to be dark, it's night time.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Thank you!  The Elf walking toward the door was slowed down in iMovie without actually filming it with a higher framerate.  That was just for the teaser, the actual film shan't have any unnecessary (and poorly done) slow motion.   
The word combo really is shame...Twilight must have done it just so my film loses credibility.  mini/no

I'm really not looking forward to sound, either.

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

Thanks for the feedback guys. Glad you liked the quality.

@Pritchard - The wall is supposed to be very plain. You'll see why, later, once it's released.
2nd place Darkness and Light entry: The Tree
Behind the Scenes

Re: The 'Contrast' update thread!

@jstudios If neither program starts working you could capture frames with the webcam software then import the images into virtual dub mod and set the correct frame rate. (I use the program For images I took in helium frog and I had to mask because monkeyjam didn't let me export and I don't think you can import frames with helium frog)