Thanks for the links Antonio, I wasn't aware of those before. May have to look into those more.
Outsider, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks.
Walter, just the one? Good, I must be getting better at hiding them. I've got the say, I'm quite proud of the cinematography on this one, and it's great that others agree.
Fanatic, Good, I was hoping that it could be easily understood by those not familiar with the original story.
The whiplash effect was really just to have more motion with the broom. I was looking for something easily animated, that also didn't look too simple.
FlyingMinifig, Yes, the broom effect could have been better. I was trying to balance good looks with something relatively easy animated, but the final result is as you say, a bit rigid. The attic set is also on my "Re-use somewhere" list, and looks nice for it's simplicity. I was surprised how much the light came through the cone, but at least it made a nice effect.
The music does give off a "Charlie Brown" vibe, but I mainly picked it for two reasons:
#1, Consistency with my previous parable short.
#2, It seems to fit the "Conservative Church-y" genre of the story/message.
But I don't intend on using piano music much more, so don't worry.