Re: Script Writing Agency

@Generalned, in the time it's taken you to write up these ranting paragraphs about this great injustice done to you, you could have easily put it aside and moved on. In fact, I'm pretty sure you could have made your own storyline by now, too. Look around yourself for your own, constructive ideas - it's the best way to go about it, not to brood over some minor discrepancy.

What do you honestly want these '4 people who do not meet this threads expectations' to do? They've most-definately got other things happening in their lives, and matter of fact, you should be grateful that they're even taking their own time to help you nurture your films. Just leave it be, and move on.

Rant over.

Re: Script Writing Agency

Hey Carousel, I forgot about this thread, and how ignorant I was looking back at it now, I do regret, being rude and self content, I have removed those comments, just for my peice of mind, I appreciate your time to get back to me, and to tell me what's the best thing to do in a situation like this, however even though I may have been able to do a storyline, a lot of people, aren't very good at story writing and scripting, that's why this agency came to existence, even though you can find people anywhere on the site.

Anyway its all good now anyhow, and Chiro no worries man, forgive my ignorance.

Thanks for your concern, anyhow, the rant is over, long ago mini/lol


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"You don't know what you have till you lose it, but then when you realize it, it's probably to late.."
Working on a better community
Proverbs 26:21

Re: Script Writing Agency

Oh it's fine, I was a little on the snarky side anyway.

Re: Script Writing Agency

I guess we all are some times right?

Thanks for your response anyway,


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"You don't know what you have till you lose it, but then when you realize it, it's probably to late.."
Working on a better community
Proverbs 26:21

Re: Script Writing Agency

I need some help on a script/story if anyone wants to help.

Re: Script Writing Agency

I would be willing.  You can pm me if you want.