Topic: 100 Stories

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100 Stories

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An entry for the County of Los Angeles Public Library's 100 Things Challenge.

100 Stories.

Music by Kevin MacLeod.

Re: 100 Stories

Handcuffs and a whip? I suspect I know what book that woman was reading.

Interesting idea, and I loved the attention to detail you put into the environment surrounding some of the stories. There were points where I found myself wandering off, though; I think it might have been a combination of the library lighting (conductive to reading, but not super-interesting to look at) and the music being a little monotonous. Still, it served its purpose well and had some great easter-eggs. Good film overall.

Re: 100 Stories

As well as everything squash said I had to mention that you showed most, if not all, of my favorite books. I salute you, lechnology, you have great taste in literature!
I especially loved the references in the environment to the book the character was reading (e.g. Gandalf reading a J.R.R. Tolkien book or the Monolith while the person read 2001: A Space Oddessey)

Re: 100 Stories

I wasn't looking to make some gritty scenery so the bright lighting and eeky-lovey-dovey look was used.  I essentially just selected best seller titles, pop culture titles, and titles that I've seen circulating.

Other "Easter eggs": Clockwork Orange, A Tale of Two Cities, Thank You Bear, Hamlet,  Harry Potter, Twilight, and Hunger Games

Also, the same baby (Maggie) and child (Boo) from the Misconception clip.

Re: 100 Stories

When I saw the striped tiger toy I immediately thought "Calvin and Hobbes! mini/bigsmile " but was sorely disappointed. A well done film, however, as Squash said it did get a bit monotonous.

Re: 100 Stories

What animation program did you use, or what animation style did you use?

I am very interested in 3D animation, but I really need to know more about it first mini/blankexpression

Re: 100 Stories

Carrara for the animation, Blender for the modeling.  My mind for everything else.

My recommendations for first time 3D animators.

Re: 100 Stories

It feels as if each person behind the book is somehow linked to the book. Either it's a protagonist, or someone who'd be likely to read that book.

Re: 100 Stories

They finally have it up on the County's Pinterest.  The competition seems...disappointing, and I don't even qualify.

Re: 100 Stories

If Larry can complain about it, so can I:

What's with the 2.5 rating?!  I deserve 5-bricks all the way!  DIS IZ UNACC3PT@BLE~!~1`! Rabble!  Rabble Rabble Rabble! Oink oink!

Nah, it's cool.  Cowards do what cowards do.