Topic: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Everyone who produces Brick-films and goes on YouTube has undeniably heard of him. I remember a while ago (maybe a year or so, not sure), people were saying how he was overrated, and his content was sub par.

I wasn't too involved with the community for a while, and was curious as to what people think of him now (You and/or the populace here). mini/shifty

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Well, the community is made up of lots of people with disparate opinions and viewpoints. As such, there's no one community stance on Forrestfire101 or his films.

Honestly, this is a subject that's been done to death (prowl through the YouTube thread for a while to see what I mean), but I'll reluctantly allow it as long as people stay civil.

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

In short:


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

He's only ever been nice to me. I don't get a lot of enjoyment out of his humor and general choices of source material, but he's gotten better and better technically. I think he's more talented than a majority of members here, including most people who complain about how much he sucks or whatever.

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

I think there are quite a few guys who deserve the spotlight FF101 gets BUT I can honestly say I admire him for his popularity and I gotta agree he's getting better and better technically.

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

As stated, many people have their opinions on Forrestfire, and that's just fine. I myself am kind of split, in some aspects I respect how he built such a large fan base over the years with his Lego videos, how he has been able to sustain himself and further propel himself to make bigger, better and greater quality videos, and how he has inspired others to do brickfilming too. I admire the techniques and the overall quality (as in picture and animation quality, not to get it confused...) of his videos.

But then on the other hand, I feel that his real fame and the start of his success was due to the traumatic happening of the Duck Song. While I admire his techniques, Forrest's knack for creating plotless, violent and excessively rude videos undermine the positives. There is a lack of character development (and overall plot) within his videos, often using ready-made characters from movies (Batman, Captain America), and that, I don't particularly enjoy. The humour is a bit immature, but it has done it's job, along with the wham-bam action violence, for Forrestfire101 has accumulated probably the largest fan base of any Brickfilmer on Youtube. These fans seem to comprise mostly of what seems to be (excuse my judgement) twelve year olds. But these fans will prosecute anything that has a minor infringement on what Forrest has already done, for example, making an Lego action video with Captain America is a big no-go zone, unless you appreciate torrents of, "you so copeed forrestfire101" comments. Even with the loyalest fans begging for a simple response on his Facebook page, Forrest never notices. So with that I feel Forrestfire101 is entrenched among a select group of Brickfilmers that tend to separate themselves from the everybody else, and happen to ignore anything other than their own content, unless it is something really amazing, or up to their 'standard'. I suppose this is understandable with Forrest's amount of subscribers and watchers, but a little effort would help.

So I really am split with this, I admire him, yet in some ways I despise him. But to answer the original question, no, I don't particularly like Forrestfire101 and his content, but I do respect what he has done and his achievements.

Last edited by Carousel (August 22, 2012 (12:56am))

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

I think that he gives a bad representation of brickfilmers.
He is the most popular brickfilmer on YouTube, but he makes very nasty videos, which probably makes other brickfilmers think that that's okay, but I really dislike people ruining film with blood, bad words and adult content.
Why can't we just make jokes without being nasty all of the time?

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Personally, I have nothing against him. I don't care if he gets more attention than he deserves or not, life gives you chances and you have to take advantage of them. He did that, and that's something to admire.

He can do what he wants with his movies, if I don't like them then I won't watch them, I surely won't start a discussion because of that. And anyway, blood and gore don't bother me, if not unnecessarily.

So basically, I don't dislike him, and I find no reason to hate/despise him.

Sméagol wrote:

I think he's more talented than a majority of members here, including most people who complain about how much he sucks or whatever.


Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Why is this even a topic?

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Good Question.

While I don't appreciate his humor, or his lack of originality, I do have to say, his technical side has improved greatly. My only problem is the Mafia-fan base that has developed over time.If someone dared to criticize Forrest of his work, the few people who managed to see the comment would be infuriated, regardless of it's correctness. And on top of that, it seems the huge accumulation of 10-year-olds he has attracted to his channel have nothing better to do with their Lego than mimic his work.
So in other words, he's just a secluded teenager or young adult who makes his cult films and since he isn't waving his name in my face, I'm fine with him doing so. But his brainwashed followers who emulate him in their work and seem to near-worship him, they are a little annoying. [/RealbrickRant]

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

RealBrick wrote:

If someone dared to criticize Forrest of his work, the few people who managed to see the comment would be infuriated, regardless of it's correctness.

That's not a FF101 phenomena, that's just the internet.

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

My opinion on him is an odd one. I think his first films are horrible, BUT, if you look at his Captain America movie and take away all the fighting/gore it's pretty good animation, and same goes for his trailer recreates. Their very decently animated. But I do agree with the rest here, they're far too gory.

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Keesret wrote:

My opinion on him is an odd one. I think his first films are horrible, BUT, if you look at his Captain America movie and take away all the fighting/gore it's pretty good animation, and same goes for his trailer recreates. Their very decently animated. But I do agree with the rest here, they're far too gory.

Not to mention all the bad language.


Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

What does it matter if his films have bad language and gore? it isn't even repulsive gore.
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Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

People have the right to make whatever they want. I used to, it was fun.

He doesnt even post his videos here, so this shouldnt be a discussion point.. and to be fair, im not suprised he doesnt post his videos here.

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

He does have an account on here, but he hasn't posted anything since the creation of the account back in 2009. Probably because he found out that a lot of people on here don't like him.

So I did this little survey at my school back in May. A lot of people loved the duck song, but they haven't even seen his other content. Even though I don't like him, I still don't like the fact that millions of people have only seen the duck song and don't even care about anything else that he made. It's just sick.

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

We had a flame war thread about him when he joined, he joined the discussion but never returned after.
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Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Might as well have a discussion thread on Keshen8, another Youtube-born brickfilmer.

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Yet, Keshen8 is (in my very honest opinion) alot more interesting when it comes to brickfilms. Forrest Fire always made me think about 2 kids playing with lego, while Keshen brought to a bit more maturity and deep humor to his films. Even the ones with Batman and all.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: Does the community like Forrestfire101?

Bringing up FF101 starts people fighting like... Sharks and Clowns... mini/bigsmile

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