Topic: 3 Tests

Well, I decided I would share my 3 tests, which have actually been completed for some time.  Unfortunately, I'm not the happiest with these.

1. Walk Into Leg
This was poop because I accidentally moved both the figures and there was flicker, but I thought it was worth sharing.

2. Look Both Ways and Jump
I wish I hadn't reversed the frames for the jump.

3. Walk Test - 5 Frame
Not much to say.  Yes, it's short.

Any feedback is appreciated.  Thanks.

Re: 3 Tests

The last two are better than the first. In the first one it didn't look like actually hit the leg.
Very smooth animation though, good job.

Re: 3 Tests

The main problem with these tests is that they are not in focus, but I'll go into greater detail on what you can improve.

Test 1: When the guy walks into the droid it's just his torso that bends until about the last frame then the legs hit the ground, it gives a pretty unnatural and jerky look. What you should have done is after he hit the robot, his legs should have immediately start to bend and his torso should have actually been moving the other direction which would be keeping the back straight. After a couple frames of doing that, his legs should be almost to the ground and the torso would be pretty-near straight with them.

Test 2: This one is pretty good, but the his hair tilts back a bit too much when it's at the peek frame.

Test 3: Very nice! You near perfected it, although the minifig's hand move a bit too much IMO.

Life is like a box of LEGO, you never know what you're gonna build. - mrgraff