Preach, Squash. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. I'd also like to inject some of my voice into the mix. I think it might be prudent to remind/inform you all that I judged alongside my brother, and he barely knows any of you. Collectively, we had a very fair sensibility when it came to scoring the films. The films of some of the people I converse regularly with, in fact, he trashed, and the scoring reflects that. And I'm certain that all the judges showed no favoritism, simply because the scores reflect evenhanded assessment.
And honestly, outright trashing another film publicly does nothing other than reflect bitterness and lack of refinedness. In regards to some of the blatant criticism of my results, a lot of getting into the top 20 was about a film's technical qualities due to contrived, trite, or unimaginative plots. That being said, the technical definitely wasn't the deciding factor, as the creativity in some films got them higher scores.
I guess my main message is that there was little to no bias in the judging of these films, and I thought everybody who entered did so honorably. But the fact of the matter is that the films do have to be judged, and only so many can make it to the top 20, 10, 3, etc. Many of the popular brickfilmers on the site are popular because of the quality of their films, and that may or not reflect in the placing. Thank you.
Also, please note that there was a minor discrepancy in the "Cheshire 1" sheet and I corrected the places accordingly.