Topic: Trailer - Indestructible Trailer for Series

Indestructible Trailer for Series


This is a trailer for a series that I am making.
I am actually done with the movie, just a few more voice recordings to do and I'll be done.
Please Comment, and rate!
The movie is better than the trailer in my opinion because the trailer is a little slow, but enjoy!
BLAH i dont have a signature....well i guess i do....i dont know...

Re: Trailer - Indestructible Trailer for Series

To choppy, Use 12fps or 15fps. To do that make smaller movements but play them at a faster rate ( use 15 frames per second). the set wasn't fantastic either, you can clearly see your room in the background. I'd work on your animation and other things before making a huge project.

15:24    Timothy_R    you hear that
15:24    Timothy_R    that's the sound of me not giving a turd


Re: Trailer - Indestructible Trailer for Series

Try to add some music in the background too. It was a bit boring to watch with not even sound effects.

If you're really interested in learning to brick film, I'd watch some tutorials . There are many great ones on how to work on your set, fix the lighting, etc.