Re: The Festival of Souls 2! Discussion Topic
I think that the animator should chose whether they want comedy or not. I think that being as lego is a toy I would be more keen on adding a bit of comedy to mine.
Films which contain both comedy and horror are often really good. Anyone here seen Peter Jackson's 'The Frighteners'? That was comedy through most part, but towards the end it was actually quite scary.
But I think the choice should be given to the director. I like both comedic horror and actual horror as much, they both have their pros and cons. I though, in general, like to have some humour in films which are made with smiling little plastic people, but thats just me. I have never seen a film made with lego thats made me even jump.
I do however, really like horror stuff. But lego isn't the right thing for me to do horror with, thats just my opinion. I would love to see a film which has 80% suspense and frights but 20% jokes too, because I don't always think that 100% horror works. But I don't think 100% comedy would work either. The film makers got to find the right balance. A film which is a bit jumpy, but also a bit funny at times.
I am hoping to enter this though, but I'm still getting used to Dragon so we'll see.