I absolutely agree with you: there were a lot of things I would have re-done if there was enough time.
One of those would have been, more close ups when a memory starts; then in the memories sequences, putting some sound effect like wind blowing, or the sea, and put echoes to the voices, make them sound distant; if I had time I would have reshot the first scene from the inside of the apartment instead of outside the door; have more sounds for steps, door opening, falling: all I could do with the time I had was changing the pitch at some of them to make them sound different; probably would have added a few more scenes, like: him running through the city, time lapses in memory sequences, a few more running shots. And in the editing
Spoiler (click to read)
making the "Tim" sequence more clear and less repetitive
. Then, I wanted to alternate Rhapsody in blue for city sequences, The And last of all, I would have tried to get a better quality from the compression, but I was running out of time. I may do a Final Cut sometime in the future. Not soon, though, cause I was already busy, this project was a break.