Re: Q&A Topic

Yeah, I was looking at the soon-to-be-reopened fabric section at my local Wal-Mart. One of the types of fabric, when laid over itself, looked really dark.

I just wanted to see what others reccomend.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: Q&A Topic

Does anyone know how to get rid of those black bars on the side of your video when you animate in Monkeyjam?

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: Q&A Topic

First, you need to open your capture window like normal, then click "Video Size" from the top bar.
Change this to the second from the bottom (I don't remember the exact dimensions) and animate.
Once you're done, save your video like you usually would, but make sure to leave the codec at "None", and the image size at "Image size".
Next, import your footage into your video editor and create a new project. Set the size to 1280x720.
Drop it into the workspace.
The video will have the top and bottom cut off slightly, so just remember to animate more towards the center of the frame.
The result should look like this.

Hope that helped!

Re: Q&A Topic

Thanks ZP! But will it have those feathered black things on the corners of the video like yours did? Or was that something you added in post-production?

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: Q&A Topic

Hey, guys, I'm thinking of having a piece of classical music play in (enter Vladimir Vango) during the credits right after that bricksplosion.

Anyone have any suggestions for something which would work well there?
Also, a good epic classical piece would be cool for the fight if there is one.

Re: Q&A Topic

Canon in D would work great.

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: Q&A Topic

WelcomeToAwesomeness wrote:

Canon in D would work great.

Listening to that now...

Quite nice. mini/smile
This could work well.
In the Hall of the Mountain King may work well for the action.

Does anyone know a good place where you can get royalty free recordings of classical music?

Re: Q&A Topic

Epic classical, I have many many suggestions.
New World Symphony, Finale, by Dvorak
Dies Irae, by either Mozart or Verdi (they're both awesomesauce
Night on Blad Mountain, Mussorgsky
ANYTHING by Wagner
Same goes with Gustav Mahler, everything he every composed is poop-in-your-pants epic
Boellman's Suite Gothique
Danse Macabre by Saint Saens
Marche Slave by Tchaikovsky

I had a ton more but they weren't public domain yet, like Carmina Burana...

Also, I believe has royalty-free recordings. Or Wikipedia.

Re: Q&A Topic

And ZP, the second one from the bottom is 2048x1536. Are you sure the capture window should be so large?

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: Q&A Topic

topitmunkeydog wrote:

Epic classical, I have many many suggestions.
New World Symphony, Finale, by Dvorak
Dies Irae, by either Mozart or Verdi (they're both awesomesauce
Night on Blad Mountain, Mussorgsky
ANYTHING by Wagner
Same goes with Gustav Mahler, everything he every composed is -in-your-pants epic
Boellman's Suite Gothique
Danse Macabre by Saint Saens
Marche Slave by Tchaikovsky

I had a ton more but they weren't public domain yet, like Carmina Burana...

Also, I believe has royalty-free recordings. Or Wikipedia.

Thanks for those. mini/smile
I especially like Dies Irae especially Verdi's.
I played it with the video, and it matches with it beautifully! xD
Now I just need to find royalty free recordings of it. Neither of those sites had any. mini/tongue

Re: Q&A Topic

Does anyone know of an HD capture software similar to the Anasazi stop-motion animator? I just got an HD camera, and I can't figure out the software stuff. (I'd prefer it not to be Helium Frog Animator unless it's the only choice)

Re: Q&A Topic

Well if you dont already know there is always good ole MonkeyJam.

I also have a question. Do lighting gels help control light flicker same goes for baking paper?

Last edited by Stoppedmotion (August 3, 2011 (06:46pm))

Re: Q&A Topic

Stoppedmotion wrote:

Well if you dont already know there is always good ole MonkeyJam.

I also have a question. Do lighting gels help control light flicker same goes for baking paper?

Can you capture directly through it, or do you have to import the pictures?

Re: Q&A Topic

You can do it both ways with MonkeyJam.

Re: Q&A Topic

Is it HD, too, right? Thanks, I'll try it. mini/smile

Re: Q&A Topic

It's all about the size of the photo you take (e.g. 640 x 480, or 800 x 600, etc.).

Re: Q&A Topic

WelcomeToAwesomeness wrote:

Thanks ZP! But will it have those feathered black things on the corners of the video like yours did? Or was that something you added in post-production?

That is something called a "Vignette" which is added in post.

WelcomeToAwesomeness wrote:

And ZP, the second one from the bottom is 2048x1536. Are you sure the capture window should be so large?

Wait, what camera do you use?
Mine says something like 1280x1024.

Re: Q&A Topic

I have a question. Does the Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 come with Logitech's QuickCapture for photos, and if so what's it's megapixels?


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Re: Q&A Topic

ZP wrote:

Wait, what camera do you use?
Mine says something like 1280x1024.

I use a Logitech C910.

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: Q&A Topic

Okay, that might have something to do with it.
I use the original Pro 9000.
Anyhow, shoot in 2048x1536 if you can, and just shrink it down in post to fit into the 1280x720 workspace.