Topic: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

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Skeleton Rodeo (THAC 7)


A THAC7 entry.Made in 24 hours.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

Nice entry mini/smile

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo


nice one.

You should maybe have sticked the broken glass to somethg, so it didn't bump around though.

I'm BACK! mini/bigsmile

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

Thanks, and yes, I know frozen brick, I just kinda forgot and when I was filming I was swearing at that piece all the time.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

As we said, nice, great idea of your brother to do the animation in 1 shot. Worked very well for me. The ending with the unexpected, was just nice also, you've entertained us and that makes brickfilming all worthwile mini/smile



Last edited by Darkman (January 3, 2010 (07:28am))
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Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

thanks Darkman, yours was nice also mini/smile

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo


I have awesome sauce in my veins! Which i sprinkle on each of my videos to give it an extra dose of aweomseness!

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

I'm T.G-Tom's (big) brother mini/tongue I worked with him on this film mini/smile share your opinion with us!

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

Nice entry Tom! I liked the set-up of the movie.

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

That was pretty good,

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

That was awesome. The animation could have used a little work, but of course this was THAC. I loved the special effects.
The part when he was riding the skeleton was very impressive.
Great job. mini/bigsmile


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

Cons: I hate text to move story. Time passing can be done very easily. Sunrise or set, clocks moving. But hey it was THAC not much time.
Pros: Music, Story and some of the aniamtion was clever and funny.

Spoiler (click to read)

I had to watch the ending a 2nd time to realise the guard was listening to his ipod and missed the robery

Good stuff.


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Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

I'm very pleased that you did understand the ending mini/bigsmile Tom and I were afraid that it wasn't clear enough

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

I didn't made it to the final frikkin 30, so this was my last THAC.
God bless you all.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

I think yours (and a few others) deserved to be up there more then most of the bad entrees that made it. mini/wink

I do not care about your opinion, unless it has to do with it needing more ponies.

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

Thanks, alot of people do, but it's not gonna change anything.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

REVOLUTION! mini/bigsmile

Disclaimer: I AM KIDDING.

I do not care about your opinion, unless it has to do with it needing more ponies.

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

T.G-Tom wrote:

I didn't made it to the final frikkin 30, so this was my last THAC.
God bless you all.

So your going to quit THAC because you did not make into the top 30. That is a nice attitude.

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

It's one of the reasons.
I won't entering this again because I'm tired of making bad movies in 24 hours, and then see that even more horrible film gets chosen.
It's been twice a dissapointment, twice being tired the whole day and twice a very difficult day-after called school and not-having-your-homework-done-because-you-were-playing-with-bricks-for-24-hours.

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: THAC 7: Skeleton Rodeo

If I could control results, I would've kicked my entry out. This was a lot better.