Re: More Administrators, More videos on BIM?

It's supposed to be year around, but obviously people do have more free time in the summer.  Still, your writing ability is pretty questionable.  Your posts in this thread have a variety of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors, which are the sorts of things that make us tend to turn down applications.  I'm just being honest here because I know people wish reviews happened faster but I'd rather they be slow but generally correct than faster but in substandard English.

Re: More Administrators, More videos on BIM?

That's because I write quickly, if I were to be writing a review about a cool brickfilm that everybody will be seeing (everybody sees posts too, but they're not as important as a brickfilm review) I'd be much more careful, take my time, and put my full attention to the task.

Brickfilmer a decade ago, now looking to relive the glory days mini/smile

Re: More Administrators, More videos on BIM?

I don't want to speak for Smeagol, but it'd probably be a good idea to stay with the site for a while and build your reputation before you start asking for positions of leadership.