Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

mini/bigsmile I'm so excited for this. Dunno if I'll enter or not.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

I might have time to enter, depends on the theme.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

It all depends what the theme is.  I'm tied up with DAD at the moment and I'll only enter if it's an interesting theme.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

It's time i entered one of these contests mini/bigsmile

ima Finnish my new film, THEN start this one

I have awesome sauce in my veins! Which i sprinkle on each of my videos to give it an extra dose of aweomseness!

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

Glad to see people seem interested! Zoe (BrickScope's owner) is VERY excited about this!

FYI - you can check out Zoe's facebook page here.

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

i'm excited for SepFest 2010, I hope it has a good theme.

A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

Gave a special mention to it in my blog, and will continue to do so as the updates and entries come.

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

I will probably throw something together for this.  I'm going to start filming a different film today so I hopefully will get it done by the end of this month.  Great job at putting this together.  It seems to be well organized.  As others have said, I hope the theme is good.  I understand this will be an annual contest, but is it an official Bim contest run by you Sean?

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

Thanks for the kudos, Daniel. This is an official BiM contest, which I am hosting.

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]


This is the best contest ever.

Screw DaD, I'm entering.


Last edited by Just Kidden (August 20, 2010 (11:37am))

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

lol, this reminds that I started a movie about Septemberfest almost a year ago now and I was never able to finish it, and I never told you guys. I'm not sure I'll enter, I don't know how busy I'll be, but if the themes good we'll see.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]


Peanut likes, Peanut shall enter.

I do not care about your opinion, unless it has to do with it needing more ponies.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

OH NO...

I hate September...

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

Sean wrote:

Thanks for the kudos, Daniel. This is an official BiM contest, which I am hosting.

Thanks for answering my question.  Looking forward to this mini/smile

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

What!? NO copyright!?! Not only do I have barely any time to pull out an animation (College, Job, Homework) I also have to scout around for amateur mono sound effects, make some myself, and search for original music that does not fit the action!! What a joke!!


Max, She/Her

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

For me it all depends on the theme.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

I have no chance of getting any spot if Filmyguy and some other good brickfilmers are entering, but it'll be good experience, and it'll be fun. I'm in regardless of the theme.

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

School starts on the 1st and I'm in the middle of a mini series and a short film. But like others it all depends on the theme, and the amount of school work I get in the first month...

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

Sean, I might make the fact that this is the pre-announced official BiM contest a bit more prominent, seeing as that important nugget of info is currently hidden in post 29 of the thread. My jaw hit the floor when I read the initial announcement, thinking it was yet another competing (albeit well-executed) contest, and considering the internet's ability to read entire threads before posting, it'd probably be a good idea to make things a little more brick-in-the-face obvious.

With all due respect Noodle, I don't want you here. - Ratboy Productions

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest [CLOSED]

Sean wrote:

All material included in films submitted must be original, or content that you have expressed permission to use. If you use content that is not your own, you must be able to provide proof that you have received permission to include it in your film. All music must be credited, even if you made it yourself.

In the way of sound effects, can we use purchased (or in the case of, downloaded) effects, or do we have to create our own?