Hazzat, I actually did add more animation, but it was during the time where Vader walked out of the scene, and I had already dismantled the set by the time I realised the way I wanted to edit it, and I think I as also a little lazy in animating. I'm glad to have helped prove a point, though!
LGFB, that's a good boy. Now, you are dismissed from class.
And I must agree, the Avant-Garde contest really is an excellent idea for creating original movies!
Max, yes, it was intended for comedic effect. I'll work on tests to gather a feel for proper comedic timing in the future.
By all means, join away!
Offtopic: I think I completely exceeded the number of smilies needed if you count the one in my signature.
"Heal the world. Make it a better place...." -Michael Jackson
"I like to stroke them." -Hazzat

-Jedi Master, DarthVincentPrice, who's retired...again... from the animation. Voicing's still a go!