Topic: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

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101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies


A video I made for thefourmonkeys' series.

Last edited by Arginnon (May 5, 2010 (01:24am))
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Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

Pretty well made.

The story was pretty fine, and yes; talking during movies sure is annoying, so ain't any flaws there.
The start part could have been going a little faster. Some poeple tend to skip the first part of these entries, I heard. But still well made.

The animation was pretty decent. I did spot some lightflickers, but everything else was very good. The set design was also adorable. Maybe a little more green (plants, and such), but everything else was great!

When you come to the camera, I would consider getting a new. The quality is not anything to talk about. Also the lightflickers might be caused by the camera settings. May I ask what camera you use?
The voice acting was good, nothing there. Also the quality of the microphone was flawless.

Well, after all you've created a good, and funny film. Be proud! mini/smile

Last edited by Jackpody (April 23, 2010 (06:08am))

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

That had some really good animation. I can't wait to see what else you make! mini/wink

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies


Last edited by Lucas (September 1, 2021 (10:30am))

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

I think I live in the same family.
It's so true.  You're animation was great, but see if there's any anti-flicker filters in your editing program. mini/smile

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

That reminds me of my sister, when she has seen a movie others havent, she tries to clue them in, often giving it away. Other times she tells other people the obvious. "Thats cool" "He's bad" "Who is that?"

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

Thanks for all of your kind words and criticism, I really appreciate it!

The light flicker annoys me as well, I'll try to find a way to get rid of it in future films. As Jackpody said it might by because of the camera I used for this film, which is some kind of a samsung miniDV camcorder, I don't know the name of it mini/smile.  I have a QuickCam Pro 9000 as well, I just can't use it with my Mac.

Last edited by Arginnon (May 5, 2010 (01:23am))
YouTube Channel : All My Links ↑Click for newest animation!↑

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

I laughed. Pretty funny, I can relate to this film so much. mini/bigsmile


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

Brilliant! The quality image was quite excellent, the voice acting over par and the animation also very well done. The story has been done before and isn't that original, and there were a few flickers. So here's a quick rating:

Set Design: 6.6/10
Voice Acting: 7.9/10
Animation: 8.1/10
Lighting: 6.5/10
Story: 5.7/10
Overall: 6.9/10

Good job!

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

I really enjoyed that. The voice acting was flawless (strangely reminds me of Out of Time) and the mic quality was excellent! As others have said, you might want to check your camera for the light flicker problem. Your sets and animation were great as well. If I were some sort of brick film reviewer I say: 4.9/5. Great work!

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

The voice acting made this movie for me. The animation and other technical qualities were good enough, but I loved the characters' personalities.

Re: 101 Ways a Minifig can be Annoying #71 - Talk During Movies

I really can relate to this brickfilm.

Last edited by Darkman (July 12, 2010 (10:42am))
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