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Forums - Bricks in Motion » Contests & Festivals » For Your Consideration: Post Possible 2008 BAFA Nominees! [CLOSED]
Train 2 Catch by pe668 is the only one I can think of that hasn't been mentioned.
Jane's Brain
I don't think it's been mentioned.
Sméagol mentioned it.
This is off-topic, but Night Owl, do you have a working link to Bill Carney's Body? I tried the link in the old thread you made on the archive, but it did not work. Thanks.
- Leo
Oh, thank you, Smeagol. I didn't know it was on Youtube. The thread on the BiM archive only had a download link.
- Leo
Here's every film listed so far, with a link. Sorry to anybody I didn't provide a full name for. I'm pretty certain these were all released online in 2008.
802.701, by Go! Le! Go!
Playback, by David Pagano
The New Neighbour, by Maxime Marion
30 Years, by Nathan Wells
Go Miniman Go!, by David Pagano
802.701, by Go! Le! Go!
Moronic, by VN
Glimpse of A Downfall, by Matt Gillan
Pierre & Luigi, by Nick Durron
Horse, by LegoShark
Unrenewable, by Philip Heinrich
The Oven, by Philip Heinrich
Pirates, by Doug Vandegrift
Breathing Space, by Jordan Harris
An Unlikely Hero, by Sean Warton
Assassin, by Sean Warton
Bill Carney's Body, by Nikolas Jaeger
Jane's Brain, by Chris Salt
Air Hockey, by Menachem Aron
Bunnies, by Olson Studios
Quest for the Blood Diamond II, by Stijn Heirstrate
Train to Catch, by David Boddy
Bodville - Go Miniman Go, by David Boddy
Gaston's Odyssey, by (?)
Deal, by Stijn Heirstrate
Attack of the Second Amendment, by Zach Macias
Social Experiment, by Zach Macias
Ants, by KG
Tender Family Moments: Reading is Fun!, by KG - removed from YouTube due to copyright claim by WMG
You put Moronic twice. I hope that means that you think I'll win two BAFAs.
EDIT: I don't believe anyone mentioned PooPoo Bridge by KG, nomination for best set design.
Last edited by VN (January 18, 2009 (07:47pm))
Wow, I made one film this entire year. I really should make more actual films.
Thought I just give this a mention, not that it'll win anything.
Cut In Line
Last edited by filmyguy (January 18, 2009 (08:35pm))
One thing you guys missed-
Blood on the Tracks, NickMOC Studios.
How about:
BatBoyz(2008) by Mario72
Play Nice by Garrett Barati
All the winners from Gizmodo Go Mini Man Go:
4th - The Archeologists by Dobromil Nosek
3rd - The Creators by Jumpei Mitsui
All the others have been already mentioned but the Vimeo links are better quaity than YouTube and you can download Quicktime format as well.
5th - Attack of the Second Amendment by Zach Macias
2nd - Weltraffer by Christian Denkhaus, Hendrik Denkhaus, Kilian Helmbrecht, Lukas Helmbrecht
1st - Train to Catch by David Boddy
(Start Rant)
I was thinking about the animation category and for Brickfilms the common thread is walk cycles and talking heads. Just about every brickfilm has them. I am not very good at the dialogue and lip syncing, so I'm glad that "Bodville - Go Mini Man Go" was mentioned.
In one scene I had 1/2 dozen characters walking, with the camera tracking. It took over four hours to record 40 frames ("Train to Catch" was 15 frames per second sometimes dropping to under 10, but "Bodville - Go Mini Man Go" is a fast and furious 25 fps).
Download the Quicktime version from Vimeo and watch it back at 1/2 speed to watch the walk cycles (00:32-00:34). At about 00:33 the lead characters hat wobbles and then flys off landing on the character behind. He likes his new hat and while looking at the camera trips over the ruins. Dr Octopus then walks all over him.
Now you know what to look for watch it back a full frame rate. All my movies have lots of little details that are not spoon fed to you, but if you pay attention you may see them. Did you notice when mini man rolls he looses his hat and sunnies? I am also very proud of the motocycle crash at the end of "Train to Catch". My daughter hated that ending but my uncle wanted to see the crash in slow-mo because it looked so good, but I wanted full playback speed for maximum impact. Oh and the hero isn't killed but wasn't seen in Bodville ever again.
(End Rant)
Do you think Finger Prints has any chances in set design?
I only made 1 film last year Unfortunately it wasn't my best work so it probably won't get nominated.
Anyways for films i would like to see on the lists:
30 years of the minifig- Nathan Wells
Blood on the tracks- NickMOC
and some others. I can't think of them now, too early
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