Topic: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

Have you ever attempted something in a brickfilm that just FAILS? Have you ever tried something that would make your new short look AMAZING.....and then it crashes.
If so, then share it here!

I recently tried to fill a lego pool with real water...guess those bricks aren't so watertight.

Don't be fooled, my avatar is a facade of conformity.

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

Wait, if we post a failed technique here, could someone help us out? Or is it just for posting the failed techniques.

For example:

Person 1: I tried to make a wall explode outward/inward, but I FAILED

Person 2: *explains technique of how to do it*

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

Well, that wasn't my intended purpose (all i really wanted to do was have people share my shame) but that's a good idea.

Don't be fooled, my avatar is a facade of conformity.

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

I suck at ease in ease out! My run cycle sucks!

Used to be 'Caidence'

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

Ease-in Ease-out is easy

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

Duke_Boy, a while back I was doing a Titanic film so when it was time to flood one of the sets. I built a wall. Had the camera above the set. The water came pouring it, the set was destroyed, and now my brown pieces don't stick together like they used to.

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

Use CGI, Squirtz, or plastic wrap.

I minifigures are like mirrors, when I put them in front of the camera, the set gets slightly bricghter, but when I remove them the set gets darker. This would not bother me if I wasnt trying to mask.

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

Add a bit of light, or adjust exposure.

I can't get a good upward pan with my QCP9K, it's either too quick or jerky when I use bricks to make sort of a tower.

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

i tried to chroma key out my green screen in imovie, but it failed

Re: A Series of Unfortunate Techniques

Blacitch wrote:

Add a bit of light, or adjust exposure.

I can't get a good upward pan with my QCP9K, it's either too quick or jerky when I use bricks to make sort of a tower.

I have the same problem some times.  But for an upward pan, it isn't easy.

Make sure you have it held down.

using your hands, move the main part of your camera up the slightest bit of a movement you can.

Take a picture.


This is done at 15 fps.