Re: LOST (Spoilers)

On a side note, I thought the very end was rather touching.  It tied back to Jack's old motto "live together, die alone," and looked as though he'd have to die alone...then Vincent arrived.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I really like how this season (and the finale) did answer a lot of questions and tied up some loose ends, but one thing is really bugging me.  What about poor Desmond?!  They used him and just left him on the island away from Penny and his child??  He's not even going to be Hurley's island-protecting side-kick number two?  Did I miss something?  I really liked him, and the writers just left him out there with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Brick7 wrote:

Did I miss something?  I really liked him, and the writers just left him out there with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

When Hurley pointed out that people aren't allowed to leave the island (specifically because he was concerned about Desmond), Ben noted that that's how Jacob ran things and there might be a better way to go.  They had canoes, and the boat, the Elizabeth, that Desmond had been racing across the world before getting stranded, was still intact at Hydra island, so it seems that it'd be a pretty small matter for an expert sailor like Desmond to return home with the boat.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Brick7 wrote:

What about poor Desmond?!  They used him and just left him on the island away from Penny and his child??  He's not even going to be Hurley's island-protecting side-kick number two?  Did I miss something?  I really liked him, and the writers just left him out there with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Obviously he died.  Everyone dies sometime Brick7.  Some before you, some long after you.  But seriously, Hurley and Ben discussed getting Desmond back home, so between Jack closing his eyes and Desmond's time in Purgatory, what happens to Desmond is opened to interpretation.

LOST in retrospect:

  • Unlike everyone else in Purgatory, Eloise Hawking knew why everyone was there or was the first to realize it or is involved in creating this place for the LOSTies to gather and is unwilling to move on.

  • The Island has a way of allowing died-off-island people communicate with the LOSTies (young Ben seeing his mother, Michael seeing Christian on the Kahana) so some instances of Christian appearing was probably Christian and not The Monster in disguise.  The challenge is figuring out which is which (aside from what Smokey has already confirmed: Guiding Jack to water and befriending Claire).  My guess: it was Christian's ghost on the Kahana, in the frozen wheel chamber and in the Barracks with Sun and Lapidus.

  • We will never know how the temple, the statue, and the frozen wheel (the orchid one, not the half finished on MiB was making) came to be.  That Egyptian craving of Anubis and the Smoke Monster makes me think: This battle between The Monster and humanity happened before.  Other people have taken the form of the Monster before Jacob's time, someone in prehistoric time went down to the Source and became the Monster, it may even have served as a security system at one point.  Maybe another protector brought Ancient Egyptians to the island and the Smoke Monster was present during the time the craving and the summoning tablet was made.

  • Anyone care to give an interpretation of "The Sickness" since that's still unclear to me due to contradictions between Rousseau calling her infected French team sick and Dogen labeling Sayid and Claire sick (when we don't exactly know that Claire died and was revived during her 3 years with Smokey).

  • It would have made much more sense if the destruction of the Statue of Taweret was the reason why women die during pregnancy if they conceived on the island.

Last edited by Lechnology (May 25, 2010 (12:54am))

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

so some instances of Christian appearing was probably Christian and not The Monster in disguise.  The challenge is figuring out which is which

I can't remember for the life of me where I read this, so take it with a grain of salt, but apparently he's wearing white shoes sometimes, and black shoes other times, which would signify when he's the Monster. Can anyone confirm this?

Also, if the above isn't true, I'm thinking that maybe he could travel that far off the island, only because Jin wasn't technically on the island when it moved (if I remember correctly) but was still transported through time with it. Maybe there's a specific point away from the island in the ocean where it stops being "island zone," if you get what I'm saying.

EDIT: I'm talking specifically about when he appeared on the freighter in the above paragraph, not the other times he appeared off island.

Last edited by Badger (May 25, 2010 (02:55pm))

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Obviously he died.  Everyone dies sometime Brick7.  Some before you, some long after you.

How profound. mini/confused  Obviously, I know that everyone was dead at the end, and it doesn't bother me that he was dead.  I just wanted to know that Desmond was able to be reunited with his family and not stuck on the island before he died.  After all he did for the island, he deserved it. 

I had forgotten about his boat still being at the island, so I think that Smeagol's theory about him sailing home is a good one.

Anyone care to give an interpretation of "The Sickness" since that's still unclear to me due to contradictions between Rousseau calling her infected French team sick and Dogen labeling Sayid and Claire sick (when we don't exactly know that Claire died and was revived during her 3 years with Smokey).

I'm not sure that it is clear that you have to be dead for Smokey to "infect" you. We were told that Claire had been shot at some point, so between her injury and Smokey's lies, he was able to get her.  Rousseau's team's "sickness" is much more vague.  It occurred to me that she could have even "imagined" they were sick.  Smokey could have been playing with her mind (like he did with Richard when he appeared as his dead wife so he would kill Jacob).  He could have appeared as a dead relative and convinced her that her team was crazy and plotting against her.  Add the whispers she was always hearing to the story... and she flips.  Then again they could have really gotten sick and went crazy, OR they got so sick that Smokey was able to "infect" them.  I guess we'll never know...

Last edited by Brick7 (May 25, 2010 (11:13pm))

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Brick7 wrote:

Obviously he died.  Everyone dies sometime Brick7.  Some before you, some long after you.

How profound. mini/confused

Guess someone didn't hear Christian say that to Jack mini/tongue.

Anyone else still hearing the uplifting music from the final scenes in their head?  Me too.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Lechnology wrote:

Anyone else still hearing the uplifting music from the final scenes in their head?  Me too.

Yes, I've had it stuck in my head for days.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I finally started watching Lost on Netflix. It's epic.
click me for my YouTube!

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Know what else is epic?

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Sméagol wrote:

Know what else is epic?

That was epic, then came the commercial break, rendering it an epic FAIL.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I watched the finale.

I'm still confused...

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I watched the first episode.
I've yet to be confused...... mini/tongue

Don't be fooled, my avatar is a facade of conformity.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)


Re: LOST (Spoilers)

Yep.  I saw the whole thing before it was mostly taken offline.  It's pretty interesting and quickly wraps up loads of little questions.  Did seem to kind of play on the show and viewers wanting answers, like the Dharma employees, and definitely tried pretty hard in cramming in lots of details in a sort of tell-all Station 1 orientation video.  It was good to have some closure on Walt's storyline.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I was happy that Lost was over. Why do they have to beat a dead horse? They screwed the end and now they come up with "The Epilogue" and you get even more questions instead of some real answers.


Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I liked the ending, didn't mind this though, I didn't think it detracted from the original ending.  Just kind of a side mini-episode for the DVD.  I thought they did a pretty good job of not beating a dead horse, with setting a pre-determined end date for the series, etc. so it didn't just drag on forever; 6 seasons (some of them fairly short) isn't all that long of a run for a prime-time TV show.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

A. wrote:

Why do they have to beat a dead horse? They screwed the end and now they come up with "The Epilogue" and you get even more questions instead of some real answers.

So that Disney can charge $69.95 for those of us who are angry/upset about the ending and still want answers.
The die-hard fans are pretty much an automatic sale, but the unsatisfied former fans are the ones they want to toy with the most.

Sorry *J.J. Abrams, your jedi mind tricks will not work on me.
After all these years of faithful watching and patient waiting, this final attempt to rip the rest of us off by delivering so-called 'answers' on the DVD box set they should have delivered in the final season or even throughout the series is just pure greed and an insult.

(Edit...*Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, writers, producers, anyone else involved, etc. etc. etc.)

"Tell stories that matter to you, not stories that'll sell." - Stephen Tobolowsky


Re: LOST (Spoilers)

J.J. Abrams has had almost no involvement in the show since early in Season 3.

While this epilogue was fun, it almost demonstrates what I wouldn't have wanted to see in a finale and makes me glad it wasn't that way -- a series of scenes designed to explain lots of little questions that don't really matter anyway.

I like your signature, though.

Re: LOST (Spoilers)

I saw the epilogue, and I thought it was alright. A lot of the "answers" were conclusions I had made over the years, or conclusions other people had made. It wasn't entirely necessary, but I guess it's nice to know the truth.

I'm definitely glad it didn't go super-detailed into EVERYTHING, as that would ruin the mystery of the show.

I am disappointed there wasn't much interaction between Ben and Hurley. I'd rather have a 12 minute story about them on the island tens (possibly hundreds) of years into the future rather than this.