Topic: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

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The Fortune Teller


My entry to the 7th Twenty Four hour animation contest

Last edited by Jon64 (January 3, 2010 (07:07am))
More videos on my Youtube Channel or on my (now updated) Webstite

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

I think we have a winner! mini/smile

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

Nice film mini/smile
Kinda predictable though

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

Stud Studios wrote:

I think we have a winner! mini/smile

How can you say that when you have seen 4/67 of all the movies? mini/confused

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

I meant so far, jeeze, I wont do that anymore.

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

I liked it. The animation was nice and smooth, and I thought the lighting set the scene well. The voices were good too, especially the storyteller.

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

Wow, that was really good! I'm worried now mini/shifty

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

mini/lol That was a pretty great film!
The story was pretty funny, but like vik said, it was a little predictable.
Animation was smooth, and you did great job with the dialogue movements.
Cinemaphotography (sorry for the spelling) was the best I've seen so far. I liked the color tint of the dark room, and the camera quality was very clear.
The music from Zelda was good, lol.

Overall, it was a very good THAC film,


Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

That was really good. It doesn't really fit the theme though ,at least in my opinion.

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

Goliathan wrote:

That was really good. It doesn't really fit the theme though ,at least in my opinion.

The fact that the seemingly phony fortuneteller turned the skeptic in to a frog was supposed to be unexpected.
I was (and, to be honest, still am) a little worried about that though.

More videos on my Youtube Channel or on my (now updated) Webstite

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

Great film. Very original.

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

That was pretty awesome. Nice job, jon64. Very enjoyable.

- Leo

Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

Haha, that was awesome. The animation was amazing, so was the sets.
I really enjoyed it. mini/smile


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: THAC 7: The Fortune Teller

Hahhaha, this should win for the voices alone!

Happy THACing mini/sunnies