Re: What was the last LEGO set you got?
Found a SpongeBob set at Goodwill, it stunk, but I washed it so we're cool.
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Found a SpongeBob set at Goodwill, it stunk, but I washed it so we're cool.
Awk, Sponguebob has awful lego.
Awk, Sponguebob has awful lego.
Holy Cheese! your right, sure they have a few cool pieces but overall they're the worst lego in history!
I just got the Medieval Village. It's pretty sweet. I've already made a couple of films with it.
goldenbrick wrote:Awk, Sponguebob has awful lego.
Holy Cheese! your right, sure they have a few cool pieces but overall they're the worst lego in history!
Why do you guys have to be so negative? The Sponge Bob sets has some cool stuffs in them, as well as the Power Miners sets.
I made an order on some Lego on 3 sets which include My own custom factory set, some pick-a-brick items, and a public works set. I got this first:
My supply was separated when I ordered it last week, maybe the rest come in a couple more days (or another week).
Today i got the set with four rebels.Finally i got a new starwars set!And wal-mart actually had some good sets.I'm aiming for the darth vader set or the new indy set.But i need like ten more bucks...
I spent a couple of hours hunting through all the dedicated toyshops and places that advertised as specifically selling Lego and was thoroughly disappointed. The most common sets availalbe are the Star Wars sets and a few of the construction sets. Looks like I am going to have to go through S@H in order to get some sets. On the plus side, I'd be able to take advantage of the Pick-a-Brick facility.
After a full day of hunting I ended up buying 4210 which is listed as "Sold Out", even though for the last few weeks it was listed as "Not available in Australia". I paid $99 for it.
Damn it sucks to live so far from everywhere...
I recent got the "Shipwreck Hideout" and the "Soldiers Arsenal", there was a 20% off sale at Toys R Us on lego pirate sets so I got my mom to rush over to get some.
EDIT: I only had to pay a penny for the Soldiers Arsenal
Last edited by KinzCove (February 16, 2009 (04:00pm))
I just got these sets: [Set 8958]
Question: the aliens from the Power Miners range, what are they like? Are they a solid unit or are they similar to a minifig?
Hmm... Peeron list it as having a head and a body. I wonder if they count "body" the same way they do for minifigs?
Edit: Ah - there's some pretty clear pictures on S@H for set 8958. The body is a large hollow piece with the arms attached, the head is like a flip-top lid with a hinge at the back.
Last edited by Dr Neo Lao (February 17, 2009 (04:27am))
Thanks, that helps.
Is ... that a sausage?
I haven't bought myself a LEGO set in months; at least six, I think. Yet somehow, I have eighty some-odd dollars up in my room, so I think I'll invest in some Pirate or Power Miner sets, plus some online orders.
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