Topic: I Thought: My BRAWL Experience

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I Thought: My BRAWL Experience


Made on the last day for the contest. It sums up my week of BRAWLing.

Re: I Thought: My BRAWL Experience

The animation was great, lighting was great, everything was great.
Awesome job. Oh, and I really liked the video camera effect. mini/smile

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: I Thought: My BRAWL Experience

That was nice! I liked the animation, the lighting and the set!
Too bad you could only work for one day, I wonder what it would like if you would have had the whole week!

Re: I Thought: My BRAWL Experience

That was really good.  Especially for one day.

Re: I Thought: My BRAWL Experience

This is a really nice entry. Short and sweet, and it takes a very different approach to the theme. I like it.

Re: I Thought: My BRAWL Experience

Definitely the most original entry so far. Well done!


Max, She/Her

Re: I Thought: My BRAWL Experience

It was.. good. You usually won't find an awesome review from me because I focus on the video carefully, but this video was good for one day. The bad things are that the music was found quite "rattling" instead of matching with the plotline. Also I saw some flicker and such in the Blog scene. The chase to the point was fairly long, but I guess it had to be suspended anyways.

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