Topic: Black Widow: Red Room escape

Black Widow: Red Room escape

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Released: July 31, 2022
Content Advisory: mild violence, no language, no sexual content

black widow has been trapped in the red room for many years, and today she attempts to escape

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Re: Black Widow: Red Room escape

Firstly, it is not easy to animate on smooth brick, and considering you had full on fight sequences on said brick...well done!

For constructive feedback:

There was a considerable amount of flicker, camera bumps, and set bumps. For example when she shoots the guard in the head, the wall to her left moves. Additionally not all of the movements are as fluid as they could be. I would recommend when doing fights, remember to apply the ease in / ease out method. It makes the punches/hits seem more damaging and "realistic." (Whatever that means when talking about lego, haha). Beyond that, again, it is very nicely done and you have a good grasp on how action sequences should go. This is something that will only grow.

Another bit of feedback I was not certain about is the end. He shoots her but she dodges, and then runs away...and he just kind of lets her go I guess? It was not super clear why he just let her run. I think it would have been fine if she knocked him out or distracted him or something, but in whichever case, I just find it a tad strange.

On another positive note, though, I loved the lighting/set during the last two shots. The hall with the warm lights and then the outside with the warm light behind her was quite pretty to look at. Really, really nice cinematography work there. If I were to be SUPER picky, and I am, I would suggest adding a distant wind sound to the background. It just adds that extra layer of atmosphere to the cold climate. I would have even enjoyed a little snow effect.

Again, overall, well done.
Into the darkness once more. I walk into the unknown. To a far better life than I've ever known.