Topic: George Clooney Gets Hit Over The Head With A Broomstick By Batman
George Clooney Gets Hit Over The Head With A Broomstick By Batman
Batman disliked his performance
Last edited by HomerBall (July 23, 2009 (02:01pm))
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Forums - Bricks in Motion » Brickfilms » George Clooney Gets Hit Over The Head With A Broomstick By Batman
George Clooney Gets Hit Over The Head With A Broomstick By Batman
Batman disliked his performance
Last edited by HomerBall (July 23, 2009 (02:01pm))
YAYZ! SOMETHING NOT INVOLVING DANE COOK HAVING RANDOM SH*T HAPPEN TO HIM! least it wasn't like every other Dane cook film, where Dane has black hair and a smiley face, AND THERES A FRIKKIN STORMTROOPER INVOLVED.
The animation was OK. I didn't think it was funny, but like I said, its better than most the stuff. The audio sounded like you put your mic up to a video of the song.
The audio sounded like you put your mic up to a video of the song.
I didn't record the music with my microphone.
Lol... Pretty good, but i thought these films were supposed to have no dialog?
I thought these films were supposed to have no dialog?
well, not really...
That was good. Lets hope you don't delete that like the rest of your vids .
Lol... Pretty good, but i thought these films were supposed to have no dialog?
Are you thinking of the Dictionary Series?
Hey thanks guys for the nice feedback.
btw I would appreciate it if you commented on the youtube video (if you have a youtube account ofcourse.)
That was good. Lets hope you don't delete that like the rest of your vids
--- Double Post ---
I won't remove this video the only reason I removed a lot of my old ones were because they were sort of stupid.
Last edited by HomerBall (July 24, 2009 (04:22am))
Well, I thought log vs. apple wasn't stupid.
I regret removing that video.
Re-upload it then.
I lost the file since my computer's hardrive broke a month ago and my computer had to be re-booted. All the files were removed
from the computer so I can't re-upload it.
Maybe in a few weeks I'll remake it.
Yea, what Hazzat/Harry/Zoot101 siad.
Instead of removing your videos, you should set them to private, so it appears to everyone else that you have removed it, but you keep the views, comments and ratings and there's no need to reupload it if you want to bring it back.
Thanks for telling me that Hazzat. In future I will use that way.
Double Post
I don't want this topic to die so could more of you please give me your feedback on this film.
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