Topic: Lego Joseph and Sam Watch the Star Wars Holiday Special (Better Version)

Lego Joseph and Sam Watch the Star Wars Holiday Special (Better Version)

Watch Now: Link 1
Released: December 19, 2021
Content Advisory: no violence, no language, no sexual content

Joe is finally able to obtain a copy of one of the worst holiday specials of all time. What could possibly go wrong?

I've always been a bit unsatisfied with the original version of Lego Joseph and Sam Watch The Star Wars Holiday Special. It was a bit rushed so I could finish it before Christmas, and I'm not too proud of the preachy and unnecessary political message at the end. However, there are still parts of it that I like, so I decided to make some edits and reupload it 4 years later. You can think of this as my version of the Star Wars Special Editions, except all the changes are actually good.

This was originally a sort of pilot episode to a possible new series starring Joe and Sam that was ultimately never made. Joe and Sam eventually would return in Chemistry Intros With Sam and Joe, but I don't have any plans to continue this series at any point in the near future. Sorry about the bad video quality, I didn't upload high quality videos back then.

You can watch the original here

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