Topic: Worst and Best LEGO Puns
Hey everyone. The LEGO community is so vast, as well as all the usernames, videos, builds, contest, etc., so in order to make a unique and yet obviously LEGO title, many resort to really painful puns, and a few find some really cool names. Just to clarify, by bad puns, I'm not trying to say that the people who used them are stupid, or that that was a bad choice in the sense of wrong, but just some of the puns out there are just so cringey and awful, and some are unique and clever. Post your favorite best and worst puns that you've seen, and get ready for some horrible wordplay. Brick a brack is my favorite, and in my opinion the three worst I've seen are JuraBRICK Park, Holly Jolly BRICKmas (Yeah, I know, that event was great, but the title...) and A Link To The Brick (a knock-off of a Zelda game called a Link to the Past). I'm excited and apprehensive to see what you come up with.
Married? Solder you balls now.