Topic: Reunited
Watch Now: Watch here
Released: June 28, 2021
Content Advisory: no violence, no language, no sexual content
A little film I once did for a collaboration, now decided to also upload as it's own. Enjoy ^^
We are a friendly filmmaking community devoted to the art of stop-motion animation using LEGO® and similar construction toys. Here, you can share your work, join our community of other brickfilmers, and participate in periodic animation contests!
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Watch Now: Watch here
Released: June 28, 2021
Content Advisory: no violence, no language, no sexual content
A little film I once did for a collaboration, now decided to also upload as it's own. Enjoy ^^
Interesting colours scheme and are the characters from the “Everyone is awesome” set.
Thanks! The characters are not from the set, though the collaboration that this is done for is indeed inspired by the set. Everyone got one colour to animate a scene in, I was surprised to find enough orange figure bricks for the two
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