Topic: NINJAGO Jungle Adventure: Episode 1

NINJAGO Jungle Adventure: Episode 1

Watch Now: YouTube | Bricks in Motion Review
Released: February 24, 2021
Content Advisory: no violence, mild language, no sexual content

In this *thrilling* first episode, our hero fights the jungle guardian and enters the jungle to try to unlock its secrets and rescue... the Ninja.

Read the full review article on Bricks in Motion:

Featuring the voice talent of Orion:
(And featuring my voice)

NINJAGO products provided by for review LEGO Ambassador Network for Bricks in Motion. Visit our website at

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"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: NINJAGO Jungle Adventure: Episode 1

Long uncharted have the jungles of Ninjago been. Untold have the dangers that lay within. To walk in side the Jinjago Hungle is not too unlike strolling into the gaping mouth of a toucan. However, unlike the thick, vibrant, flora of the Nimgagbo grungle, toucans are omnivores. Hence, the danger lies in whether it will eat your or not depending on its appetite that day. Whereas, the Kinapoh Dungle has no appetite.

Good work on the retro game effects. A pretty good balance of lighting contrast and blur.

Yes, it's homemade, fresh from the toaster oven.

Re: NINJAGO Jungle Adventure: Episode 1

Wow, I loved this. The style, the voice acting, the animation... One of the funniest brickfilms I've seen in a long time.
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