Topic: The Christmas imposter

The Christmas imposter

Watch Now: The Christmas imposter
Released: December 18, 2020
Content Advisory: moderate violence, mild language, no sexual content

Hi all, I'd like to receive feedback on my film.

I animate the videos using Blender and not using stock motion. I'm new at using LEGO bricks to create short videos and new to blender.

I make these animations purely as a hobby as it's very enjoyable sitting moving Lego figures in creating a film out of it.

I would love to have any input on what I can improve. Tanks

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Re: The Christmas imposter

It's a creative story, but I thought this site was for stop motion films only.

YouTube | Brick-a-Brack | Vimeo

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Re: The Christmas imposter

CGI films are allowed, but they need to be put in the “other films” release forum.

Re: The Christmas imposter

CGI films when made to look like LEGO bricks are appropriate for either forum.

If I hadn’t been told beforehand that this film was computer rendered I would have thought it was really LEGO bricks.

Have fun.

Re: The Christmas imposter

Appreciate your feedback. I do not have the opportunity to make stop motion films mini/sad  do not have enough lego or camera equipment now. I've seen many stop motion films and blender was the easiest way for me to try my hand at making something similar.

The dream is to fine-tune it to a point where the majority will not see the difference or get enough equipment for me to make real stop motion. It's not there yet but I enjoy watching the real stop motion films for inspiration. Also, I am not trying to hide that the film is made by CGI.

I'm new to the site was a little unsure of what I did when I submitted the film. If CGI  is meant for a different submitted form I'll fix it next time.