DudeBrick wrote:This video feels like it was catered to one friend group and some unknowns (which is nice). The brickfilm community is bigger than this, so please do some more research instead of just looking in your subscription box.
You do realize most of these weren't even posted on BiM right? Of course the "broader community" is much bigger than what we can include, but I didn't see anyone else volunteering to edit something like this. We just saw an opportunity to potentially advertise some unknowns, encourage the community, and just be a good reflection of what people are up to these days.
chris@gbp wrote: I didn't add my videos that featured here to the BiM directory, and I don't recall anyone asking me for my consent for the use of my video, so maybe that's something that needs to be addressed for next time.
It's true that we didn't consult anyone to use their clips. But this is fair use. Yes, I agree it'd have been a good courtesy to ask everyone, but that's 89 people and, like you said, not all of them are on BiM. Logistics are tough. We can attempt to request permission next year (if there is a next year
). But of course, if we only stuck to people who submitted to BiM, it'd be a BiM rewind... and as you can see from the quote above, people don't like that either. Heck, I don't like that.
I can't please everyone. This isn't a BiM rewind. It's a brickfilm rewind. It's meant to strengthen the community or at least just showcase and appreciate what people have done in the past year. But for some reason, it's always gotta be the drama and the community politics. This is just a hobby where we play with LEGO for a camera.
That being said, I do hope yall can overlook these things and enjoy the video nonetheless despite its flaws. I guess I shoulda known that by posting a rewind that it'd be disliked... judging by the response YouTube's rewind always gets... 
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