Topic: Pablo Receives a Promotion

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Pablo Receives a Promotion


Pablo's big day.  Watch it on YouTube!

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."
~ Psalm 23:6 ~

Re: Pablo Receives a Promotion

Pablo you deserve it

Re: Pablo Receives a Promotion

Glad to see yet another Pablo film.

Small nitpick, but since we all know what was coming, I would have stretched out the silence before Pablo's line another second or two. For some reason, it feels like that extra anticipation would have made the punchline just that much better.

Re: Pablo Receives a Promotion

A fantastic way to begin the new year. May Pablo live forever.

YouTube | YouTube 2 | Brick à Brack | Discord @cucumberjosie
   -- If a frame were worth a dollar, I'd be a millionaire by now --