Finally got around to reviewing this. This segment had some very funny lines. I really like the timing when Angela asks Brent to name one thing about Melisa that annoys him, and Johnny Strange arrives at the door. But my favourite aspect of this segment was when you get to see Brent and Johnny connect. Despite Brent's many insults towards him, they do have some common ground and I like that whole dynamic and am interested to see what direction you go with that in the future.
I also like the set design. I thought the basement looked really nice.
As for criticisms, I only really have one, and that's that I think your camera seems to be on auto focus. It never gets so bad that it ruins my enjoyment of the film at all, as it only happens occasionally, but it's something I noticed, and it should be pretty easy to fix in settings, depending on what type of camera you use.
Other than that, this is great. I like how much you've managed to develop the characters throughout the series and look forward to the next installment.