Topic: Dimension Wars

Ive been working on a new movie called Dimension Wars for the last few months. so far,basicly two archeologists find what they think is an egyptian tomb. they go in, and notice there is no treasure. then indiana jones finds a button and it opens up a door with a portal behind it. they get sucked in, and when they come out on the other side, they are bionicles. they walk around for a few minutes trying to find there way back. then they are attcked by a bonehunter. a turaga comes and helps them. then they keep being attacked, and toa come and help them. they keep fighting for a few minutes.bak on earth, scientists are trying to make a portal to save them. eventuly they get through, and the powerminers (just guys that look like them, no rock montsers or anything here) explore the bionicle world.Strangly they are not bionicle-ized.

any ideas where tis should go from here other than going back to earth im already doing that part for sure