Re: When was the last time you animated?

filmyguy wrote:

Just now! And good news too, I have finished animating the entire Terminator Salvation clip! mini/bigsmile
As soon as T.G-Tom is finished editing it, it'll be up on YouTube! YAY

I'm gonna work on it today mini/wink

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: When was the last time you animated?

a few days ago, but Oi'll be animating my challenge GreenScreen Studios gave me in the brickfilming challenge

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Last night I started animating the opening shot of my movie, thats right, I started the shot and got 19  seconds into it and was two tired to go on, I will try to finish the shot after some coffee.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

a couple nights ago i animated the opening for my movie aswell!! i just got a new camera (QCP9K) so i re did the whole scene about 7 times just to get used to the camera and to get the best result here it is... … annel_page note: i will be working a lot more on this as i am adjusting to my camera. oh and by the way, what software should i use to put all of it together e.i: audio/video/anythingelse, because up until now i have been using WMM and that has tended to turn the nice yellow of the minifig face into an ugly mustardish yellow mini/tongue


Re: When was the last time you animated?

that's pretty neat FLIP, heres the aftermath of my set

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Oh dang, that's a nice set. You have so much room to animate with

Re: When was the last time you animated?

That is so awesome, Sloth. You've just inspired me to make better sets. mini/smile

Last edited by Just Kidden (June 13, 2009 (07:46pm))

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: When was the last time you animated?

I filmed a 14 second shot over the coruse of 4 hours, while halfway through realizing that there wasn't something in the shot that wasn't supposed to be there, due to continuity. And it was a pretty big thing that wasn't supposed to be there, but I got around the problem, luckily.

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Phizzle wrote:

Oh dang, that's a nice set. You have so much room to animate with

Thanks, I'm moving at the end of the month and I'm going to loose all the space I have to animate with, so I'm franticly trying to get as much done as possible.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

sweet Paladins! that is one wicked set sloth!


Re: When was the last time you animated?

Fifteen minutes ago, and I've edited what I animated just now. It's about 7 seconds long.
Oh, and it's not the chase scene, I'm doing something special for that. mini/wink

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Hazzat wrote:

How long has it been since you last made those little plastic men walk and talk?

I've just finished animating for six hours straight, with only one break to allow my computer to cool down. So I last animated five minutes ago.

im actuly working on an animation right now. just waiting for the camera to complete the long exposure of like 45 seconds

Re: When was the last time you animated?

I'm getting set up right now.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Just finished animating a lengthy dialog sequence.  It's easy to film these kinds of scenes quickly, but making all the mouth animation for the sequence and then compositing it onto the faces will be far more time consuming.  This is the first time I've made a film without doing any post-production as I go (I've gotten to the point where I have a good idea of what I can do with the footage I shoot), so it's an interesting experience to film everything without really looking back much at what I've filmed so far.

Re: When was the last time you animated?


... is what I animated recently. I had been mainly focussed on set-design, and animated this short bit (an unfinished sequence of a man walking into his office) to see how the set would seem on screen. What do you guys think of it?

EDIT: What I don't like about this test right now is the lighting. The glass windows on the left e.g. could have been lighted way more than now, in my opinion.

- JD
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Re: When was the last time you animated?

Like, 1 month since I last even touched lego. It's said. I'm thinking of making a D-Day Recreation...


Re: When was the last time you animated?

A few minutes ago.  Just finished a 4-second shot of five minifigures walking in a straight line, out of sync with each other.  It was soul-crushing.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Quite recently, for the WeekInBricks Vlog actually.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

2 days ago

finished my rooftop scene mini/smile I edited it and it came out with a 1 min lenght

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Re: When was the last time you animated?

I finished Office Escape about 3 days ago and I've been really wanting to animate since. But I have no script. mini/tongue