Re: A Brickfilm Christmas
Really fun video! I loved the commercial breaks, especially the walkomatic. I'd like one of those for Christmas! does anyone have links to the other collaboration videos Bricks in Motion has done?
The other community projects that have come from this community are:
BrickFest 2006 Montage (2006)
Brickfilming is Just Awesome (2012)
The first three of them were made while the community was still located on the old site. More information on all of them them (plus the community projects from the communities that speak other languages) can be found on their individual wiki pages, which are all gathered in the Community projects category.
There have also been quite a number of failed attempts over the years; it is exceedingly rare that a community project is actually completed. Also of note are The Brickfilms Director's Project (2001) and Vox Populi (2003), two earlier projects that aren't quite community projects but precursors to the idea.