Topic: Star Wars The Last Jedi Teaser in LEGO
Star Wars The Last Jedi Teaser in LEGO
Enjoy this recreation of The Last Jedi Teaser using LEGO
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Star Wars The Last Jedi Teaser in LEGO
Enjoy this recreation of The Last Jedi Teaser using LEGO
I think some lot the VFX like the water and opening scene of the trailer were done very well, and seeing all of the other versions, I think without a doubt you win in those areas! My only criticisms would be that I don't the scenes showing the whole (or most of) the island at the start were done particularly well, but those are the only major things I would point out.
P.S. Was there a specific reason as to why you make the walls studded? In my opinion it doesn't look quite as good as a non-studded wall (but that may just be me), especially when trying to recreate something, so I am interested to know why you chose to do it this way.
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