Topic: Never Again

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Never Again

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What happens when your Mom steps on your LEGO collection?

This video was made for the Take a Leap challenge

The theme was "And They Were Never Seen Again",
the mod elements were Red and Brown,
and my challenge was "Tile Floors"

It actually was 30  hours from the challenge's start when I finished.

It was fun making it, and I look forward to entering more contests in the future.

Feedback and/or constructive criticism is always welcome, I am always looking to improve my animations.  mini/smile

Last edited by MarkNelsonMovies (February 28, 2016 (04:59pm))
“But the enterprise in which I’m about to embark on is fraught with imminent peril.”

Re: Never Again

Good job. The animation of the mom slipping on the Legos was especially nice. mini/smile

My profile picture is deep fried lol

Re: Never Again

mini/sad  thats sad. great animating! it was really smooth! mini/cat

Re: Never Again

This.... this makes me cry... *boo hoo hoo*

Very clever, actually! The main thing I will critique is the fact that the kid completely stopped moving when the mom walked in the door. The rest was great, keep it up!

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: Never Again

thanks everybody, I'm not entirely sure how to go about animating one figure while masking another, but I could have at least made the kid move until

Spoiler (click to read)

his Mother tripped and fell,

I guess having him turn his head would have been good, but I was just to lazy. mini/sad
I will definitely try to do better next time.

Last edited by MarkNelsonMovies (March 1, 2016 (12:44pm))
“But the enterprise in which I’m about to embark on is fraught with imminent peril.”

Re: Never Again

Very well done all around. Slightly surprised by the ending. Looking forward to more.

"Tell stories that matter to you, not stories that'll sell." - Stephen Tobolowsky


Re: Never Again

This is a very tragic film. Neither parties were going benefit from the incident.
You wanted criticism, so...

  • ditto to what Rioforce said

  • the mother's walk on tile wasn't consistent to the stud walk so some more practice there

Overall. I liked it.


my dad doesn't want me to brickfilm on because it's his computer, but he's not home right now at the moment.

Re: Never Again

Ah-ha, a quick analyzation of the tile walking part shows what I did wrong, in a normal on-stud walk cycle there are certain frames where the character moves very little, or not at all. I moved the character the same amount every frame when on tiles. mini/sad
I also moved it too much at a time making the walk on tiles faster, and then slower when on studs.

Thanks for the advice. mini/smile
“But the enterprise in which I’m about to embark on is fraught with imminent peril.”

Re: Never Again

LOL Amazing! very nice animation and story!