Topic: App Man Episode 1

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App Man Episode 1


1/4 - Pilot
Adam Monk (Rafael Figueroa) is just a normal guy working in the city, until a certain event takes place which gives him superhuman strength. Join him as he grows to realize his abilities.
Music By Kevin Macleod and Bensound.

Last edited by William Osborne (April 16, 2017 (06:19am))

Re: App Man Episode 1

I love it! Cant wait for part 2!

Re: App Man Episode 1

That's pretty good, William! We're definitely seeing an improvement in your skills.

The main issue I found was the full-screen "app screen" (the big blue screen with the button on it). It was huge and fast that I didn't have time to comprehend it in context, but it all worked out because you didn't use it again. Of course, you're still learning animation, so it was a bit choppy, but that's ok. Other than that, pretty solid stuff you've got here!

Last edited by rioforce (January 30, 2016 (12:19pm))

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: App Man Episode 1

Nice job!  I thought that the animation was good, and the concept is funny. 
I especially liked the net animation and the use of the classic space helmet on App-Man.
The only thing I think could use work is the hand-to-hand fighting, but that is a very difficult thing to get right.  However, I think this video could help.
Anyway, I look forward to the next installment!

The Third Arrival is out now!
--"The sun's not yellow, it's chicken!"

Re: App Man Episode 1

Really good job with this. The lip sync is very fine i think mini/sunnies

Re: App Man Episode 1

Nice Job William I thought that was pretty well done. I liked Voice acting for you it was fun and I look forward to part 2! Also Brick7 and the other voice actors were wonderful.  Great job and keep up the good work!

Re: App Man Episode 1

That was interesting  mini/smile   
I like that the town is called the Block-ham  mini/wink 
also that  you took the time to write out a whole website article.

one thing noticed was that the environmental sound was very quiet and/or thin in places. I couldn't really hear it at my normal listening volume.  and the car crashing? wasn't very epic, it was just sort of a clunk.

I think I will be watching the rest of the series!
Keep it up!
“But the enterprise in which I’m about to embark on is fraught with imminent peril.”

Re: App Man Episode 1

Nice! It came together quite well.

    One critique that I have that has not already been said is: Your timing could use a little work. This is something that I am still learning, but it helps quite a lot. For example, when App Man captured the Russian Arms dealer, he said he would wait for the police to arrive, sad down, and almost immediately stood up and flew away. mini/what  A little longer gap between sitting down and flying away would have helped that scene.
    That being said, most of the rest of the timing went down pleasantly. Also, your animation and technical skill has improved a lot! Keep up the good work!

"...just take stuff apart.  Be heartless, do not develop feelings for these sets..." -Squid
My standards: Philippians 4:8

Re: App Man Episode 1

I enjoyed this!  Like I mentioned in chat, I think you could work on the dialogue to make it a bit more interesting; on that note, the sound design felt a bit lacking (punches, as already mentioned, were one specific thing I missed).

The animation was pretty good throughout. A bit choppy, but a lot of that will be fixed with experience (so keep on brickfilming!).

Overall, nice job! I like the premise of this, and I'll be looking forward to the next installment! mini/wink

Re: App Man Episode 1

Thank you so much, guys, for your kind words. I will try to work on the things that you pointed out. I would like to thank everybody that helped make this film a reality. I was very lucky to have a fantastic cast, and I look forward to working with you in the future episodes mini/smile

Re: App Man Episode 1

That was good! the story was nice and the animation was proficient , but some of the buildings cast shadows on the "sky" which made it less believable. Overall, nice job mini/smile

I do not brickfilm anymore, but you can see my live action stuff here.

Re: App Man Episode 1

I like the blinking in addition to the mouth movements... it adds an extra layer of expression. Great story, loved your sets... and I spotted the Lego pencil-holder house set in there! I love that little set. mini/bigsmile

* unsolicited advice: work on balancing all the audio components... certain voices/sounds really jumped out compared to others. A little tweaking goes a long way. I always enjoy your movies--keep up the good work.

Woodrow Village Films

Re: App Man Episode 1

Once again, thank you for your kind words.
@Smocktopus I do see what you mean about the shadowing. I'll try to make sure there isn't any shadowing like that in the future.
@Woodrow Village Haha, yeah, I really love that pencil case set. Yes, definitely the voices were all different volumes. It was something I didn't really notice until I uploaded it. As others have pointed out, audio is something I need to work on, and next time, I'll try my best to make sure that the voices all sound about the same volume.

Re: App Man Episode 1

That was great looking forward to part 2


I'm a Brickfilmer that loves smooth animation and attention to detail.

Re: App Man Episode 1

Well done with this, I can tell it took a lot of hard work and effort to make this as I know your set up is all on the floor. I really enjoyed it, looking forward to the next episode


Re: App Man Episode 1

Thanks mini/smile Yes, I did animate this on the floor. I place a piece of thin cardboard on the floor, blue tack a Lego base plate onto the card and it stays really firm. I don't think I even once had any trouble with the set moving, but if I did, I would definitely reshoot that shot. I think most people would avoid animating on the floor, because of the fact that you have to keep stretching on the floor, it can be quite painful, especially for the arms. Of course, there are many other reasons, but I don't think I need to list them all, but I have got used to filming on the floor and I probably will continue doing so for a while. I don't think I will necessarily be animating like this permanently, but I think its okay for now.

Re: App Man Episode 1

Fantastic job! There aren't many films with detailed plots like this.